After I changed that, it at least started to download, but it never finished.
Always started from 0 - 5%.
Yet it told me to use --swfvfy it still always started to download so this message seems to be redundant perhaps?
The error message tells you this stream require SWF verification,it still downloads,but it will always stop at some point
For an 80mb file that’s about 25 times maybe.
However, i finally got it to work.
Of course running the command again and again manually is not very satisfying, but unfortunately I don’t know how to write any scripts for that.
Is there a tutorial out there or can anyone give me a basic advise how a basic script for automtic repeat of the command could look like?
And how whould I execute a script like that then?
(I am using windows btw.)
I would suggest you to use -W to apply swfurl,swfsize and swfhash,it will download the stream without any problem
Since you're interested in resume downloading script,I post mine here
Save it as .bat file,It downloads the stream first time without resume option (-e or --resume),when it stops,press any key to continue,it will download with -e.When it finishes downloading,just close the batch file
@echo off
color 0F
echo Enter URL:
SET /P url=
rtmpdump -r %url% -o file.flv
rtmpdump -r %url% -o file.flv -e
goto b
I also tried your command, noob2001204.
It's not working for me.
It doesnt start downloading, and I can't see any error messages, the screen just pops up and goes away.
Except the capitol –W repx. --swfurl it's not very different though, except your line says
While mine says
I used the capitol –W in my original command, it didn't seem to make a difference.
It's strange,mine should work
-W or --swfVfy and --swfurl makes a huge difference,the latter doesn't calculate swfhash,swfsize itself and MTV.com does use SWF verification,you should apply the correct swf url unless you want to resume downloading yourself
I used your swfurl and it doesn't even download
Be sure to use -W,the uppercase