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Old 04-03-2009, 06:46 PM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Set up 3 cameras to make 3 broadcast on a web-site. Can I use satellite?

Greetings! My name is Ken, owner of a small IT consult firm in North-Western Oregon. Lately I've been recruited for a project that will require a live event media feed at a launch party for a highly anticipated vehicle. Basically, here's what I need to do:

1) Set up 3 cameras within this vehicle
2) Capture the AV data
3) Stream the media to our web server to make the broadcast visible via our website.

My questions are of topology. I need to have all three of the cameras streaming at the same time, viewable in 3 different media players (respectively) on the website. I understand how to HTTP stream via basic encoders and capture devices, but here's the trick: these cameras are to capture and send the AV via a satellite internet connection whilst driving the perimeter of the continental US. First a question of common sense, is the bandwidth provided by satellite internet going to be able to accommodate three cameras and stream the data at a decent speed, or would it be more logical to simply archive the media in say partitions of x amount of gb's and then broadcast the files as "live"?

Would it seem more prudent to purchase (funding isn't an issue) true streaming servers which will allow me to accept that many AV devices, or is it common that streaming servers don't function with satellite internet?

In conclusion i simply need some advice on the most practical way (or even if the whole idea isn't practical at all) to approach this.

So far idea one is : 3 cameras>streaming server>satellite box>webserver
idea two is : 3 cameras>capture device/encoder>pc(if not using physical encoder) with software encoder>satellite box>webserver

Any and all advice is appriciated.

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Old 04-03-2009, 08:38 PM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: Set up 3 cameras to make 3 broadcast on a web-site. Can I use satellite?

although i'm jealous as hell about the the "unlimited" funding project, that never seem to end up in my lap, i can see a couple problems getting it to work.

1) satellite internet systems are designed to be mounted in a fixed location and need to be accurately aligned to a single satellite 22,000 miles in the sky.

2) the upload speed of sat connections is maxed out around 256kbps. not enough for a single "live" video upload.

i'd check with a local tv station that does live feeds to see if they have any recent advances in mobile video feeds. afaik even their trucks still need to be stationary to link up with the sats.
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Old 04-06-2009, 04:47 AM
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Re: Set up 3 cameras to make 3 broadcast on a web-site. Can I use satellite?

I am doing live broadcasting on the Internet and want to tell you that my upload speed is 200 kbs. Now if you want to stream with 3 cameras you will need 3 computers connected to the internet. Each camera should be connected to one computer to use it as video source.

Then you will need a broadcasting software to get the live feed. I am using and it s working very good (I am doing HD streaming also).

If possible get a normal internet connection (not satellite), it will be easier and you can start broadcasting in a few minutes. You only have to get the broadcaster from the website and get an account.

I started a few years ago with broadcasting and I can show you the entire process.
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