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Old 12-07-2016, 09:56 PM
pafootballer pafootballer is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2016
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Seeking help

on what precisely, I'm sorry to say, I haven't much clue. I'm pathetically ignorant of streaming. I use PMS, Roku, "channels" packages, etc. and never really dove into the why's and how's.

What I do know is. This weekend, my High School's football team is participating in their district state finals. I just found out tonight (trust me I despise to personally allow myself to procrastinate) that that football game will be streamed via PCN (Pennsylvania Cable Network). So naturally, as a supporting alum, football fan, etc. I signed up for the annual service. However, their "app" is only available on Android/IOS and I own neither type device with a screen larger than 5", so, I'm opting to use the browser version. Though, even that screen is no bigger than 22 inch widescreen. Fellow football fans know, it would watch so much better on the 55"+ screens.

But, I'm unclear on how to make that happen, if it can happen. I have no idea what kind of stream it is, I can say, that I have to enable "" via NoScript before it would begin the stream.

WireShark is a package capturing program, I get that, albeit, I haven't a clue how to use it to the degree of finding the relevant information. Again, I'm very sorry I can't provide better information.

However, I would like to, I'm just not clear on how to provide it. Where to begin? Please be patient with me. I may not have the knowledge nor be able to "learn it fast enough" to do it all on my own; however, I am a great listener and will do everything I'm told. Perhaps to a fault, but I'll assume nothing but the best of intentions from you folks.

I appreciate any and all assistance that can provided in the very short amount of heads up given.

TL;DR - I wish to restream (somehow) to my TV a PCN stream which I believe originates from but I haven't any idea how to do it. I also would like to achieve this before this weekend, only because I just became aware the program I wish to watch was being streamed by PCN.
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