Hello fellas. I have tried several s/w to download various web streams and settled on two easy ones for a novice like me. One of them now fails to record audio. Video looks okay, not great - however, okay for my needs. Why would audio suddenly stop recording, while video continues as before?
If okay to mention the s/w (already mentioned here)
I used reliably since last year Replay ScreenCast, and now no audio. I select in audio Settings to use Stereo Mix, as before. Any ideas what may work to solve this?
Since problem occurred a week ago, I tested several new programs - all nice, just don't want to pay money again after only a year with this one. Help? And thanks!
If anyone want to suggest any simple program for me - I am a novice! - please
make sure it lets me copy a clip only of a stream, for example from Youtube. Often I don't want the entire flv or movie - saving space here - kist want to Start REC and Stop REC as I desire.