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Old 03-17-2011, 06:54 PM
BirdOfPrey BirdOfPrey is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 3
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RTMPdump streaming stops without notice: DEBUG: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, recv returned -1.

I'm trying to record a live radio stream on a schedule, that triggers a command to use rtmpdump as the recorder.
The problem is that until some weeks ago this combination never gave me problems, now the program just stops streaming from the radio source without notice and hangs on the red message below.
I then compiled a version inserting an exit(0) when this error happens on librtmp. This allows me to continue streaming issuing another instance of rtmpdump and saving the audio to a new file.
But why is this happening in the first place? Maybe you can help me to figure out this!

This is the output with the debug messages enabled:
DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: notify 24 bytes
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: notify 44 bytes
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name:               code, STRING:     NetStream.Data.Start>
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: notify 164 bytes
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name:           duration, NUMBER:     0.00>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:      audiodatarate, NUMBER:     125.00>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:    audiosamplerate, NUMBER:     44100.00>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:    audiosamplesize, NUMBER:     16.00>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:             stereo, BOOLEAN:    TRUE>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:       audiocodecid, NUMBER:     10.00>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:           filesize, NUMBER:     0.00>
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: (object end)
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:   duration              0.00
INFO:   audiodatarate         125.00
INFO:   audiosamplerate       44100.00
INFO:   audiosamplesize       16.00
INFO:   stereo                TRUE
INFO:   audiocodecid          10.00
INFO:   filesize              0.00
DEBUG: ignoring too small audio packet: size: 0
310.876 kB / 19.06 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 20360
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
644.488 kB / 39.50 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 40879
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
971.465 kB / 59.56 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 60896
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
1558.974 kB / 95.50 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 96880
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
1891.640 kB / 115.84 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 117253
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
2219.783 kB / 135.91 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 137349
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
2802.211 kB / 171.57 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 173113
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
3129.560 kB / 191.63 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 193204
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
3459.484 kB / 211.79 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 213346
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
4046.294 kB / 247.73 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 249349
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
4374.692 kB / 267.80 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 269420
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
4708.208 kB / 288.23 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 289940
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
5295.443 kB / 324.17 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 325895
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
5631.322 kB / 344.70 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 346405
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
5958.173 kB / 364.76 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 366506
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
6537.625 kB / 400.15 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 401919
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
6863.058 kB / 420.12 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 421941
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
7197.055 kB / 440.55 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 442456
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
7784.188 kB / 476.50 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 478393
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
8118.659 kB / 496.95 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 498915
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
8453.777 kB / 517.46 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 519421
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
9022.678 kB / 552.29 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 554319
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
9349.239 kB / 572.26 sec
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 6, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Ping 574353
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0007
9617.748 kB / 588.70 sec
DEBUG: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, recv returned -1. GetSockError(): 10060 (Unknown error)

ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header
Caught signal: 2, cleaning up, just a second...
9633.934 kB / 589.69 sec
DEBUG: RTMP_Read returned: 0
Download may be incomplete (downloaded about 0.00%), try resuming
DEBUG: Closing connection.

DEBUG: Invoking deleteStream
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