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Old 02-26-2011, 05:38 AM
PhoenixRevived PhoenixRevived is offline
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rtmpdump &RTMPE on Youtube:HandShake: Type mismatch: client sent 6, server answered 8

# ./rtmpdump --debug -r "rtmpe://" -a "youtube?auth=daEaQa.alb2c0cOcmbTbybCdZbuayc7b8dm-bnAobk-eS-JxFCElrd&aifp=YT2008121701&slist=c7/id/4a9fbd11875395f7/itag/34" -f "LNX 10,2,152,27" -W "" -p "" -y "c7/id/4a9fbd11875395f7/itag/34" -o - | ./mplayer-mt -
RTMPDump v2.3
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
DEBUG: Parsing...
DEBUG: Parsed protocol: 2
DEBUG: Parsed host    :
DEBUG: Parsed app     : youtube?auth=daEaQa.alb2c0cOcmbTbybCdZbuayc7b8dm-bnAobk-eS-JxFCElrd&aifp=YT2008121701&slist=c7/id/4a9fbd11875395f7/itag/34
DEBUG: Protocol : RTMPE
DEBUG: Hostname :
DEBUG: Port     : 1935
DEBUG: Playpath : c7/id/4a9fbd11875395f7/itag/34
DEBUG: tcUrl    : rtmpe://
DEBUG: swfUrl   :
DEBUG: pageUrl  :
DEBUG: app      : youtube?auth=daEaQa.alb2c0cOcmbTbybCdZbuayc7b8dm-bnAobk-eS-JxFCElrd&aifp=YT2008121701&slist=c7/id/4a9fbd11875395f7/itag/34
DEBUG: flashVer : LNX 10,2,152,27
DEBUG: live     : no
DEBUG: timeout  : 30 sec
DEBUG: 3d ab d0 f9 3f a0 77 2a 7a da 8b ff 12 d7 c5 37
DEBUG: 0c 92 8e a7 0a 34 6c 7f 89 31 29 fb 0e 53 c3 81
DEBUG: SWFSize  : 301394
DEBUG: Setting buffer time to: 36000000ms
Connecting ...
MPlayer git-798a308-4.4.3 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team

Playing -.
Reading from stdin...
DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, ... connected, handshaking
DEBUG: HandShake: Client type: 06
DEBUG: HandShake: DH pubkey position: 472
DEBUG: HandShake: Client digest offset: 1383
DEBUG: HandShake: Initial client digest: 
DEBUG: 35 50 ef 38 9f a4 a0 83 49 02 60 58 8e 61 25 e9
DEBUG: 89 6f 7f c6 04 38 45 38 a5 af 16 30 41 86 9d b9
DEBUG: HandShake: Type Answer   : 08
WARNING: HandShake: Type mismatch: client sent 6, server answered 8
DEBUG: HandShake: Server Uptime : 52703341
DEBUG: HandShake: FMS Version   :
DEBUG: HandShake: Server DH public key offset: 594
DEBUG: HandShake: Secret key: 
DEBUG: 01 6d f4 a9 d9 ec 6b 76 bb 29 12 48 df 52 b2 ab
DEBUG: 18 82 23 02 21 b5 d8 1c 89 d3 23 a7 3a 0d f5 1d
DEBUG: 80 95 38 01 a0 5f 71 64 9c 9f 92 fd e5 64 2a f3
DEBUG: 8d f7 56 a3 d8 9a fe 1d 1c ac d3 11 95 92 7d e6
DEBUG: 49 36 3b 8c 8c 80 9f ab 75 8e 78 cf 82 4d 13 97
DEBUG: 36 59 6c e4 96 11 91 e3 02 61 af 94 d7 1b 19 2e
DEBUG: d7 b2 e4 71 42 c9 a0 b4 22 39 65 35 c1 e1 02 c6
DEBUG: e1 66 3f ee ad 36 33 a7 38 c2 38 b7 1b cb b5 30
DEBUG: RC4 Out Key: 
DEBUG: 74 44 15 27 f4 27 5a a7 56 15 14 86 d6 c0 6a e0
DEBUG: RC4 In Key: 
DEBUG: dd 97 0c 25 0b d0 aa 9f f0 a9 33 72 13 bb c4 cc
DEBUG: HandShake: Calculated digest key from secure key and server digest: 
DEBUG: d2 bc 59 4f a0 b9 ab e3 33 51 94 0f a0 ce 92 06
DEBUG: 22 a9 a8 d1 d5 be 93 f9 f1 f4 a5 c2 1f e4 72 de
DEBUG: HandShake: Client signature calculated:
DEBUG: be 54 c2 0a ac 5c fa 1a 80 95 43 7e 5a f9 2d 7c
DEBUG: 70 28 c4 49 6a 14 6d de 9a e6 37 82 9e 19 99 4d
DEBUG: HandShake: Server sent signature:
DEBUG: a8 f5 a3 f5 01 58 ba af 01 38 e1 36 e8 e4 25 20
DEBUG: 1c b5 8e 35 3a 1b 7e d5 9d 18 f1 07 47 c3 58 a7
DEBUG: HandShake: Digest key: 
DEBUG: a0 68 47 7f ef 06 dd 5d cd e6 d1 58 9c 12 3e 54
DEBUG: 19 fa 49 0e a7 99 9a 58 c7 c2 84 fd e5 d5 16 89
DEBUG: HandShake: Signature calculated:
DEBUG: a8 f5 a3 f5 01 58 ba af 01 38 e1 36 e8 e4 25 20
DEBUG: 1c b5 8e 35 3a 1b 7e d5 9d 18 f1 07 47 c3 58 a7
DEBUG: HandShake: Genuine Adobe Flash Media Server
DEBUG: HandShake: Handshaking finished....
DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, handshaked
DEBUG2: RTMP_SendPacket: fd=3, size=562
DEBUG2:   0000:  03 00 00 00 00 02 32 14  00 00 00 00               ......2.....      
DEBUG2:   0000:  02 00 07 63 6f 6e 6e 65  63 74 00 3f f0 00 00 00   ...connect.?....  
DEBUG2:   0010:  00 00 00 03 00 03 61 70  70 02 00 7a 79 6f 75 74  
DEBUG2:   0020:  75 62 65 3f 61 75 74 68  3d 64 61 45 61 51 61 2e   ube?auth=daEaQa.  
DEBUG2:   0030:  61 6c 62 32 63 30 63 4f  63 6d 62 54 62 79 62 43   alb2c0cOcmbTbybC  
DEBUG2:   0040:  64 5a 62 75 61 79 63 37  62 38 64 6d 2d 62 6e 41   dZbuayc7b8dm-bnA  
DEBUG2:   0050:  6f 62 6b 2d 65 53 2d 4a  78 46 43 45 6c 72 64 26   obk-eS-JxFCElrd&  
DEBUG2:   0060:  61 69 66 70 3d 59 54 32  30 30 38 31 32 31 37 30   aifp=YT200812170  
DEBUG2:   0070:  31 26 73 6c 69 73 74 3d  63 37 2f 69 64 2f 34 61   1&slist=c7/id/4a  
DEBUG2:   0000:  c3                                                 .                 
DEBUG2:   0000:  39 66 62 64 31 31 38 37  35 33 39 35 66 37 2f 69   9fbd11875395f7/i  
DEBUG2:   0010:  74 61 67 2f 33 34 00 08  66 6c 61 73 68 56 65 72   tag/34..flashVer  
DEBUG2:   0020:  02 00 0f 4c 4e 58 20 31  30 2c 32 2c 31 35 32 2c   ...LNX 10,2,152,  
DEBUG2:   0030:  32 37 00 06 73 77 66 55  72 6c 02 00 34 68 74 74   27..swfUrl..4htt  
DEBUG2:   0040:  70 3a 2f 2f 73 2e 79 74  69 6d 67 2e 63 6f 6d 2f   p://  
DEBUG2:   0050:  79 74 2f 73 77 66 62 69  6e 2f 77 61 74 63 68 5f   yt/swfbin/watch_  
DEBUG2:   0060:  61 73 33 2d 76 66 6c 4f  32 4b 34 42 39 2e 73 77   as3-vflO2K4B9.sw  
DEBUG2:   0070:  66 00 05 74 63 55 72 6c  02 00 9b 72 74 6d 70 65   f..tcUrl...rtmpe  
DEBUG2:   0000:  c3                                                 .                 
DEBUG2:   0000:  3a 2f 2f 63 70 35 39 30  30 39 2e 65 64 67 65 66   ://cp59009.edgef  
DEBUG2:   0010:  63 73 2e 6e 65 74 3a 31  39 33 35 2f 79 6f 75 74  
DEBUG2:   0020:  75 62 65 3f 61 75 74 68  3d 64 61 45 61 51 61 2e   ube?auth=daEaQa.  
DEBUG2:   0030:  61 6c 62 32 63 30 63 4f  63 6d 62 54 62 79 62 43   alb2c0cOcmbTbybC  
DEBUG2:   0040:  64 5a 62 75 61 79 63 37  62 38 64 6d 2d 62 6e 41   dZbuayc7b8dm-bnA  
DEBUG2:   0050:  6f 62 6b 2d 65 53 2d 4a  78 46 43 45 6c 72 64 26   obk-eS-JxFCElrd&  
DEBUG2:   0060:  61 69 66 70 3d 59 54 32  30 30 38 31 32 31 37 30   aifp=YT200812170  
DEBUG2:   0070:  31 26 73 6c 69 73 74 3d  63 37 2f 69 64 2f 34 61   1&slist=c7/id/4a  
DEBUG2:   0000:  c3                                                 .                 
DEBUG2:   0000:  39 66 62 64 31 31 38 37  35 33 39 35 66 37 2f 69   9fbd11875395f7/i  
DEBUG2:   0010:  74 61 67 2f 33 34 00 04  66 70 61 64 01 00 00 0c   tag/34..fpad....  
DEBUG2:   0020:  63 61 70 61 62 69 6c 69  74 69 65 73 00 40 2e 00   capabilities.@..  
DEBUG2:   0030:  00 00 00 00 00 00 0b 61  75 64 69 6f 43 6f 64 65   .......audioCode  
DEBUG2:   0040:  63 73 00 40 a8 ee 00 00  00 00 00 00 0b 76 69 64   cs.@.........vid  
DEBUG2:   0050:  65 6f 43 6f 64 65 63 73  00 40 6f 80 00 00 00 00   eoCodecs.@o.....  
DEBUG2:   0060:  00 00 0d 76 69 64 65 6f  46 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e   ...videoFunction  
DEBUG2:   0070:  00 3f f0 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 07 70 61 67 65 55   .?.........pageU  
DEBUG2:   0000:  c3                                                 .                 
DEBUG2:   0000:  72 6c 02 00 2a 68 74 74  70 3a 2f 2f 77 77 77 2e   rl..*http://www.  
DEBUG2:   0010:  79 6f 75 74 75 62 65 2e  63 6f 6d 2f 77 61 74 63  
DEBUG2:   0020:  68 3f 76 3d 53 70 2d 39  45 59 64 54 6c 66 63 00   h?v=Sp-9EYdTlfc.  
DEBUG2:   0030:  00 09                                              ..                
DEBUG: Invoking connect
INFO: Connected...
DEBUG2: RTMP_ReadPacket: fd=3
DEBUG2:   0000:  03 00 00 00 00 00 86 14  00 00 00 00               ............      
DEBUG2:   0000:  02 00 06 5f 65 72 72 6f  72 00 3f f0 00 00 00 00   ..._error.?.....  
DEBUG2:   0010:  00 00 05 03 00 05 6c 65  76 65 6c 02 00 05 65 72  
DEBUG2:   0020:  72 6f 72 00 04 63 6f 64  65 02 00 1e 4e 65 74 43   ror..code...NetC  
DEBUG2:   0030:  6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 69 6f  6e 2e 43 6f 6e 6e 65 63   onnection.Connec  
DEBUG2:   0040:  74 2e 52 65 6a 65 63 74  65 64 00 0b 64 65 73 63   t.Rejected..desc  
DEBUG2:   0050:  72 69 70 74 69 6f 6e 02  00 29 5b 20 41 63 63 65   ription..)[ Acce  
DEBUG2:   0060:  73 73 4d 61 6e 61 67 65  72 2e 52 65 6a 65 63 74   ssManager.Reject  
DEBUG2:   0070:  20 5d 20 3a 20 41 63 63  65 73 73 20 64 65 6e 69    ] : Access deni  
DEBUG2: RTMP_ReadPacket: fd=3
DEBUG2:   0000:  c3                                                 .                 
DEBUG2:   0000:  65 64 21 00 00 09                                  ed!...            
DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 134 bytes
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name:           no-name., STRING:	_error>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:           no-name., NUMBER:	1.00>
DEBUG: Property: NULL
DEBUG: Property: <Name:           no-name., OBJECT>
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name:              level, STRING:	error>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:               code, STRING:	NetConnection.Connect.Rejected>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:        description, STRING:	[ AccessManager.Reject ] : Access denied!>
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <_error>
ERROR: rtmp server sent error
DEBUG2: RTMP_ReadPacket: fd=3
DEBUG2:   0000:  03 00 00 00 00 00 12 14  00 00 00 00               ............      
DEBUG2:   0000:  02 00 05 63 6c 6f 73 65  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ...close........
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Old 02-27-2011, 08:17 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: rtmpdump &RTMPE on Youtube:HandShake: Type mismatch: client sent 6, server answer

RTMPE streams at YouTube
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Old 02-27-2011, 08:28 AM
nullacht nullacht is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 230
nullacht will become famous soon enoughnullacht will become famous soon enough

Re: rtmpdump &RTMPE on Youtube:HandShake: Type mismatch: client sent 6, server answer

Originally Posted by PhoenixRevived View Post
WARNING: HandShake: Type mismatch: client sent 6, server answered 8
This is only a warning and can be ignored.

RTMPE streams on are secured with authentication strings. These will expire after a short time. This is the reason you have received the following message:

Originally Posted by PhoenixRevived View Post
[ AccessManager.Reject ] : Access denied!>
RTMPDump v2.3:

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "youtube?auth=daEd4dybbctbFdXbya9azdJa7aRaddOdCdS-bnALSY-eS-NAHDEmwc&aifp=YT2008121701&slist=c8%2Fid%2F4a9fbd11875395f7%2Fitag%2F35&" -f "LNX 10,1,102,64" -W "" -p "" -y "c8/id/4a9fbd11875395f7/itag/35" -o 35.flv
RTMPDump v2.3
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
WARNING: HandShake: Type mismatch: client sent 6, server answered 8
INFO: Connected...
Starting download at: 0.000 kB
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:   duration              8586.28
INFO:   starttime             0.00
INFO:   totalduration         8586.28
INFO:   width                 640.00
INFO:   height                480.00
INFO:   videodatarate         800.99
INFO:   audiodatarate         96.68
INFO:   totaldatarate         905.79
INFO:   framerate             25.00
INFO:   bytelength            972231836.00
INFO:   canseekontime         TRUE
INFO:   sourcedata            B4A7DD2E6HH1297256757173982
INFO:   purl
INFO:   pmsg
INFO:   httphostheader
949445.133 kB / 8586.81 sec (100.0%)
Download complete

Last edited by nullacht : 02-27-2011 at 09:35 AM.
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