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Old 12-06-2016, 06:44 AM
ssaraf ssaraf is offline
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Rtmpdump gets stuck while downloading


I am trying to download my video lectures from my university website for the past 7 days and i seek help (since my net speed is slow so watching on the browser is almost impossible, hence i want to download it from a fast speed internet connection once and be done with it).
I enter my login/pass to this website and then taken to a page where videos are played using Flowplayer which uses Flash. So far, I have the following info

My s/w specs : Windows 7 , Chrome , RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2015-12-14 (Compiled by KSV)

Case1 when running this rtmpdump command :
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "becker" -f "WIN 23,0,0,207" -p "" -y "f4v:20131014_Softwaretechnik.f4v" -o f4v_20131014_Softwaretechnik.flv --swfVfy "" -T "#ed%h0#w@1Upb" -V -z
-r "rtmpe://"
-a "becker"
-f "WIN 23,0,0,207"
-p ""
-y "f4v:20131014_Softwaretechnik.f4v"
--swfVfy ""
-T "#ed%h0#w@1Upb"
-o f4v_20131014_Softwaretechnik.flv
-V -z

But this command gets stuck after a while (after 5-10 mb or so) forcing me to press "ctrl+c" , and occasionally it throws "RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet body" error.

Case2 with rtmpdumperhelper :

When using rtmpdumperhelper , after attaching the browser , capturing RTMP connection , I allowed my broweser to keep playing the video and the program rtmpdumperhelper internally executed rtmpdump with almost the same options as above but without the -T parameter (token parameter) , After downloading 22 mins (total duration of the video is 90 mins approx), it throws "RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header" error.

So, I need help with 3 questions as follows :

1. Can anyone help me download this rtmpe video (using either rtmpdump or rtmpdumperhelper) ? Or Can u suggest any other method to download THIS rtmpe stream ?

2. When using rtmpdump, the only program running on my pc is command prompt with the above rtmpdump command (Case1). Is it enough to download the video OR am i doing something wrong?

3. Do I need to continue playing the video on the browser even after rtmpdumperhelper has captured rtmp connection? FUNFACT : During case2 the video on my browser was played for around 20 odd mins and my partial video download was also 22 mins and was very laggy/dropped frames etc just like by browser stream. Is this just saving the content sent to my browser? If yes, then its just like screen capture , rite?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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Old 12-06-2016, 09:36 PM
nguyenthanhtam9723 nguyenthanhtam9723 is offline
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Re: Rtmpdump gets stuck while downloading
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