I'm using Debian with rtmpdump, iptables and i'm trying to record some streaming videos and i'm getting the following error:
ERROR: rtmp server sent error
ERROR: rtmp server requested close
Here is the steps i'm following:
1- iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 1935 -m owner \! --uid-owner root -j REDIRECT
2- rtmpsuck
3- Open the stream with Firefox.
4- Analyse the output bellow.
app: cameraprive_main/4314
flashVer: LNX 11,2,202,425
swfUrl: https://assets.cameraprive.com/chat/flashchat/ViewerApp.swf?1418786045
tcUrl: rtmp://dolphin.cameraprive.com.br/cameraprive_main/4314
pageUrl: http://cameraprive.com/br/room/bru-sedutora
Playpath: cam1
Saving as: cam1
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: width 640.00
INFO: height 480.00
WARNING: ignoring too small audio packet: size: 0
Playpath: cam1
Saving as: cam101
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: width 640.00
INFO: height 480.00
5- According with that, mount the rtmpdump command.
6- iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 1935 -m owner \! --uid-owner root -j REDIRECT
7- rtmpdump -v -r "rtmp://dolphin.cameraprive.com.br/cameraprive_main/4314/cam1" -y cam1 -W https://assets.cameraprive.com/chat/flashchat/ViewerApp.swf?1418786045 -p http://cameraprive.com/br/room/bru-sedutora -o test.mpg
Is that "https" of "swfUrl: https:..." causing the problem?
How can i fix this error?