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View Poll Results: Replay Media Catcher vs. FLV Recorder
Replay Media Catcher 7 70.00%
Bit Recorder 3 30.00%
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Old 03-22-2007, 04:50 AM
Stream Recorder
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RTMP:// Flash video ripper/downloader software: Replay Media Catcher vs. FLV Recorder

Replay Media Catcher is a flash stream ripper. It can automatically record .MP3 audio and Flash .FLV streaming video broadcasted through HTTP and RTMP protocol (such flash stream URLs start with http:// or rtmp://). I highly recommend it.

FLV Recorder is a flash stream capture software that can record .FLV video streams through HTTP and RTMP protocols.

How to record and play Flash video streaming
FAQ: How to record/download/capture/save Macromedia Flash .FLV video HTTP stream from embedded player
FAQ: How to record/download/capture/save Macromedia Flash .FLV video RTMP, RTMPT stream from embedded player

Web-sites with streamable Flash video and audio (.FLV and. MP3)
Old 04-07-2007, 12:56 AM
Stream Recorder
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Flash recorder comparison: Replay Media Catcher vs. FLV Recorder

Originally Posted by blimey View Post
Is this the same RTMP recording technology found in FLVRecorder? Has anyone compared both?
Replay Media Catcher can record MP3 and FLV files through the HTTP and RTMP protocols, while FLV Recorder can record FLV files only.

They use different ways of capturing RTMP packets. FLV Recorder uses winpcap while Replay Media Catcher works more like a firewall.

I prefer the support of Replay Media Catcher. Mostly because of the native english speakers with fast responses.

Besides Replay Media Catcher has a 30-day money-back guarantee. It means a lot to me.

Both programs are free to try so you may compare them without paying any money.
Old 04-24-2007, 06:30 AM
Atomic Ant Atomic Ant is offline
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Flash stream rippers: Replay Media Catcher vs. FLV Recorder

I tested Replay Media Catcher (RMC) and FLV Recorder (FLV-R). The way FLV-R captures the clips is different from RMC and I think is good to let you know. RMC opens a second, browser independent, stream to capture the data while FLV-R seems to use the same stream you use to watch the clip.

What does that mean? Well, in the case of AtomFilms, as the embedded web player doesn't cache the data, FLV-R is subject to problems with bandwidth fluctuation. If you pause the movie or your bandwidth usage blocks the stream, it keeps recording the paused frame until you resume viewing or the traffic conditions get better. At the end of the capture it does some post-processing and removes unwanted pauses and synchronizes the audio, so you get a faithful copy, while RMC gets an exact copy or aborts, in which case you have to restart until you get your exact copy.

In most cases, and if bandwidth is not an issue, both programs will capture the same. If you connect to Internet with a "traditional" 56K modem however, I suggest you favour RMC over FLV-R. In my case, I use a wifi connection, but my AP is so far away from my computer that my signal is weak and conditions are somewhat similar to a modem, so I found out this difference in behaviour.

Both programs capture the stream url without problems, contrary to URL Snooper, that I couldn't manage it to parse correctly the url. With the added keywords (add "flv;rtmp" to the "Also search for" textbox), URL-S detects the url, but cuts it wrongly and gets strange characters in it. Once more, this may be due to my connection circumstances and you might find out URL-S is working for you. Also, future versions may address this problem and solve it.
Old 03-21-2010, 09:46 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Flash stream rippers: Replay Media Catcher vs. FLV Recorder

Note that StreamingStar doesn't support its clients so we do not recommend to use FLV Recorder or any other StreamingStar programs anymore.

Replay Media Catcher allow you to capture HTTP packets from flash player (se WebStreamDumper or Video History Tool).

If you want to capture RTMP packets, you can try Jaksta.
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