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Old 12-24-2014, 03:36 PM
dade6598 dade6598 is offline
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RTMP DUMP leave some seconds of NBC and then starts


We have problem dumping this link I think your team can fix this problem

By the way, we have sort of limiting time recording problem meaning :
That I put 2 hours ( 7200 seconds ) in the command line but dumper goes beyond this limit if you can fix It too I would say :



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Old 12-24-2014, 03:52 PM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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Re: RTMP DUMP leave some seconds of NBC and then starts


hmmm all working here so far.So I just test it with lower time limits not 2 hours of course.
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -p "" -T "8964316ec8772dfa" --live -B 5 | "player" -
RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2014-07-07 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
WARNING: You haven't specified an output file (-o filename), using stdout
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting Live Stream
For duration: 5.000 sec  <-- set 5 seconds
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:   duration                0.00
INFO:   width                   640.00
INFO:   height                  480.00
INFO:   videodatarate           650.00
INFO:   framerate               30.33
INFO:   videocodecid            7.00
INFO:   audiodatarate           32.00
INFO:   audiosamplerate         22050.00
INFO:   audiosamplesize         16.00
INFO:   stereo                  TRUE
INFO:   audiocodecid            10.00
INFO:   presetname              Custom
INFO:   creationdate            Mon Dec 22 14:17:47 2014
INFO:   videodevice             iGrabber Device [1]
INFO:   avclevel                51
INFO:   avcprofile              77
INFO:   videokeyframe_frequency 2
INFO:   audiodevice             Line (3- USB Device)
INFO:   audiochannels           2
INFO:   audioinputvolume        75
INFO:   encoder                 Lavf55.26.100
INFO:   filesize                0.00
410.633 kB / 5.01 sec  <--- 5 seconds and it stops
Download complete
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Old 12-26-2014, 08:04 PM
DefectedToRussia DefectedToRussia is offline
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Re: RTMP DUMP leave some seconds of NBC and then starts

NBC = Nothing But Crap just to make you aware! Along with every other alphabet soup channel. Anybody who watches any of those I just have to make them aware, that journalism in those "companies" like what you mentioned is dead. They are just teleprompter readers, these days with every single channel getting their "news" from the same source! You have to go to independent journalists for real news! Simply because the mainstream isn't interested in filling you in on the things you ought to know, or telling you the truth, they don't even care about finding the truth! Instead they'll spew propaganda and hide the truth. They'll spin stories and "create" the story, rather then reporting on it! Unlike normal people like you and me, who want truth and want others to be in the know as well. It's because as they have a vested interest in keeping you in the dark and deceiving you, while pretending to be on your side, and just telling you bullshit instead of real stuff! A lot of people are taken in by it and cant see past the mirage, but that is changing rapidly as their becoming more and more transparent with their ruse! The gig is up, let's take back freedom of the press and kick these 6 (aka 1) corps off the airwaves!

All you have to do is turn off your TV sets, or change the channel to something else, not their bullshit propaganda channels. Don't think one of them is better then the other, they're all the same, they all read the same script! WORD FOR WORD! It's to distract you, keep you unaware of the world around you. It can't work forever though so I hope you'll reconsider your liking for those channels! Once you see through their game, you'll feel betrayed! Like you've been fooled like a little fool! I've gone through it, now just waking people up whenever I see someone trapped in there!

See for yourself: (Warning: you will not like what you find)
Newscasters Agree: A Christmas Present Or Two Or Ten Edition

Newscasters Agree: I Scream, You Scream Edition - CONAN

Newscasters Agree: Frank Ocean Celebrity Pee Edition

Newscasters Agree: Rising Gas Prices Edition - CONAN

Newscasters Agree: The End Of E-mail Overload? - CONAN

Newscasters Agree: Yeah, Baby Edition

Etc.. Etc... Etc...
Watch more if you want, it's seemingly different "local" channels all saying the same things, different states, different faces, but the same shit! Same shit, different DJ my friend, same shit all across the board! This isn't news I'm telling you! I trust that most people will be intelligent enough to figure that out!

I can show you other ways the media is decieving you, I just like the way Conan pointed this out to everyone, or attempted to at least! You'd have to be able to join the dots to be awoken!
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