Hi everyone, I am a newbie to Linux and am using Fedora 10. I have installed streamripper from the Fedora packages but am having trouble getting it to work. I tried to rip streaming audio from Last Fm and entered the following command*
[sean@seanjohn ~]$ man streamripper*
[sean@seanjohn ~]$ streamripper http://www.last.fm/listen/artist/nameofartist/similarartists
(this is the address that was in my browser address bar which I basically just cut and pasted after the streamripper command.
As you can see what happened next is that I got endless messages saying that it was buffering and then re-connecting all in 6kb chunks which just scrolled endlessly down to the end of the page.*
Can anyone please let me know what I am doing wrong. Is it because I haven't put in the correct URL.. I know on the help page it advises to get the URL from XMMS. I tried downloading this from the Fedora package but it didn't start properly saying it had a bug. Is there any other way of finding out the URL that I need that will work with Linux.
I did have a Streamripper-rips folder in my home directory after doing this but the mp3 file inside it was in a folder labelled incomplete and the file inside was labelled -.mp3 and did nothing when I tried to play it. *Any advice greatly appreciated
stream: Streamripper_rips*
server name: Apache/1.3.39 (Unix)*
bitrate: 0*
meta interval: -1*
[re-connecting..] - [ 6kb]*
[re-connecting..] - [ 6kb]*
[re-connecting..] - [ 6kb]*
[re-connecting..] - [ 6kb]*
[re-connecting..] - [ 6kb]*
[re-connecting..] - [ 6kb]*
[re-connecting..] - [ 6kb]*
[re-connecting..] - [ 6kb]*
[re-connecting..] - [ 6kb]*
[re-connecting..] - [ 6kb]*
[re-connecting..] - [ 6kb]*
[re-connecting..] - [ 6kb]*