Hi Biezom
I need help with cbs.com
Tried this video
with adblock plus the video isn't play because the ad cannot load so i can't get the url that way. I have to use "inspection element" to look for the link and this is what i found.
livestreamer "hlsvariant://http://cbsent-vh.akamaihd.net/i/temp_hd_gallery_video/CBS_Production_Outlet_VMS/video_robot/CBS_Production_Entertainment/2015/02/21/402194499992/CBS_GOOD_WIFE_613_CONTENT_CIAN_streamclip_51215,1_ 796,3_1928,1_1296,1_496,1_364,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8?hdnea=acl=/z/temp_hd_gallery_video/CBS_Production_Outlet_VMS/video_robot/CBS_Production_Entertainment/2015/02/21/402194499992/CBS_GOOD_WIFE_613_CONTENT_CIAN_streamclip_51215*~e xp=1425347493~hmac=9a8fcbb298f5af294804ea0e2c24dc8 c894e51c956f73526103e770229df1f60&hdcore=3.3.1" best -o video.ts
I tried it with livestreamer and get error 403 forbidden.
I tried to download with adownloader it work find but it only geting 640x320 resolution, playing it on tv it fuzzy not smooth like using there app so i assuming there a higher resolution available.
I there a way to download video from cbs with livestreamer.