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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Removing copy-protection (like DRM, AACS)
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Old 01-21-2010, 12:23 AM
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Requiem - decrypt iTunes music and movies(stripping DRM protection from iTunes files)

Requiem was originally released by "Brahms" as version 1.0 in February 2008, and has been recently released in November 2008 as version 1.8.2.

Requiem allows a person to decrypt both music and movies that they are authorized to play in iTunes by reverse-engineering Apple's FairPlay algorithm. Requiem does not remove identification tags from songs. However, there are other methods to remove them.

Requiem is an open source program that will strip the DRM from your iTunes music and video files. While people have found other ways around the DRM, such as burning their music and ripping it, that will lose sound quality. That's where this program comes in - it not only removes the DRM from music AND videos, it does so losslessly.

Requiem works by decrypting the iTunes configuration files that are in "/Users/Shared/SC Info". In Mac OS X, the key to decrypt these config files is an obfuscated version of the MAC address of one's computer. In Windows, an amalgamation of hard drive volume information and registry keys are used instead of the MAC address. The initialization variable for this decryption is a hard coded constant. The program then decrypts the keys in the config files as well as the private atoms in the audio/video files and creates unencrypted versions.

Requiem is compatible with both Windows and Mac!

You'll need to install Java if you want to use the the Java GUI that is included. The GUI can be used on both Windows and Mac platforms.
Just double click on the Requiem.jar file and the GUI will come up.

For Mac users, it is easier to use the because of the Drag & Drop feature.

Notes: Do NOT share your de-DRM'd iTunes purchases on a file-sharing network. Why? Apple has personal information in your purchased content. Requiem does not remove the personal information from your files. Your identity is at stake and Apple could ban your account (at the very least) if caught.
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Old 01-21-2010, 12:28 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: Requiem - decrypt iTunes music and movies(stripping DRM protection from iTunes fi

On January 5th, 2010, Requiem 1.8.16 was released for iTunes 9.0.2

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