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Old 05-18-2018, 12:22 PM
everix1992 everix1992 is offline
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[Request] Guide on how to compile rtmpdump for windows

I've got a change I want to make to RTMPDump - I want to watch for a string on STDIN and use that to trigger termination of the application. Currently, the only ways to exit seem to be Ctrl+C and the X button. However, I'm running this as a hidden window in C# and therefore can't send Ctrl+C to the application or Exit it normally. The changes themselves are easy enough to make, but for the life of me I cannot seem to get them compiled.

I've tried using Cygwin and MinGW on windows. I actually managed to get it compiled with Cygwin, but I got a "Problem accessing DNS" error when I tried to run it (plus it was dependent on all the Cygwin dlls). I couldn't even get it to compile on MinGW. Both of these options probably work, but I don't have the requisite knowledge to make them work apparently. I'm also open to using Linux (through a VM or running on my Raspberry Pi) if necessary. I tried compiling it on the Linux Subsystem on my Windows 10 PC, but got stuck there as well. So if anyone can guide me through how to do this, I'd really appreciate it.

I feel especially dumb because I work with C everyday at work...we just manage all of our projects in Visual Studio and so I usually don't have to worry much about all this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Old 05-18-2018, 12:42 PM
j_cool j_cool is offline
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Re: [Request] Guide on how to compile rtmpdump for windows

I know a person who can do it, Vangelis66.

Here is a link for your guidance:

You would be a gentleman to post a link for us to downoad your rtmpdump once it works,

or at least send me PM with a link if you are shy.


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Old 05-18-2018, 12:57 PM
everix1992 everix1992 is offline
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Re: [Request] Guide on how to compile rtmpdump for windows

Originally Posted by j_cool View Post
I know a person who can do it, Vangelis66.

Here is a link for your guidance:

You would be a gentleman to post a link for us to downoad your rtmpdump once it works,

or at least send me PM with a link if you are shy.


I don't see a Vangelis66 on these boards so I'm not 100% who's being referenced or how to get in contact with them.
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Old 05-18-2018, 06:28 PM
supersonic80 supersonic80 is offline
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Re: [Request] Guide on how to compile rtmpdump for windows

I don't know C at all (This is not my language of choice), however, I don't have problems compiling rtmpdump in Windows.
Usually, I do following
  • Install MinGW
  • Download openSSL and zlib
  • Launch command prompt C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat
  • Compile openSSL and zlib
  • Compile rtmpdump using command make SYS=mingw INC="-I/c/openssl-1.0.2o/include -I/c/zlib-1.2.11 -L/c/openssl-1.0.2o -L/c/zlib-1.2.11" LDFLAGS="-L/c/openssl-1.0.2o -L/c/zlib-1.2.11"

Originally Posted by everix1992 View Post
I've got a change I want to make to RTMPDump - I want to watch for a string on STDIN and use that to trigger termination of the application. Currently, the only ways to exit seem to be Ctrl+C and the X button. However, I'm running this as a hidden window in C# and therefore can't send Ctrl+C to the application or Exit it normally. The changes themselves are easy enough to make, but for the life of me I cannot seem to get them compiled.

I've tried using Cygwin and MinGW on windows. I actually managed to get it compiled with Cygwin, but I got a "Problem accessing DNS" error when I tried to run it (plus it was dependent on all the Cygwin dlls). I couldn't even get it to compile on MinGW. Both of these options probably work, but I don't have the requisite knowledge to make them work apparently. I'm also open to using Linux (through a VM or running on my Raspberry Pi) if necessary. I tried compiling it on the Linux Subsystem on my Windows 10 PC, but got stuck there as well. So if anyone can guide me through how to do this, I'd really appreciate it.

I feel especially dumb because I work with C everyday at work...we just manage all of our projects in Visual Studio and so I usually don't have to worry much about all this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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