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Old 05-21-2008, 03:46 AM
Posts: n/a

Replay AV - nothing but problems! need lots of help

Ok here's my unfortunate mess i've gotten myself into: i spent $50 on downloading this program called Replay AV to record video and audio. I HAVE been able to extract audio from some videos, but so far i can't record any actual videos themselves. The videos i want are on imeem and band websites,not YouTube (which, i think might be the problem, but i don't know why).

Some sites,i cant get the url,like it doesnt show up correctly in my browser. But my main problem is,if a video does SEEM to work,i'll go to play it,and my iTunes will pop up but nothing happens,the video isnt even there. Then i go to the file again and open it through Windows Media which can't even play the file because it is an flv file BUT i converted it to mp4 and it still wont play.

Is anyone familiar with Replay A/V? Or maybe somebody knows of an easier (possibly free?) way i can record these videos,where they will actually play on my computer! Thanks!
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Old 05-21-2008, 04:50 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Replay AV - nothing but problems! need lots of help

Replay AV can be bought with Replay Media Catcher and some other programs in a bundle, however it doesn't guarantee you that you will be able to capture each and every stream.

Recording from Imeem is a real problem. Haven't seen any solution to this yet (except for using screen video capture software that loses some quality while recording).

Please be more specific and please post every URL from which you can't record. And I suggest you to create a separate thread for each problematic stream. But before asking a question, please try to record with WM Recorder and Replay Media Catcher. Both have free demo versions.

p.s. Replay AV has a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. If you don't like it, you can get your money back. And next time do not buy any software before trying it!!!
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