Removing Barnes and Noble DRM
Okay, so I've read that Barnes and Noble has changed how it's key is working so its difficult now to remove their their DRM.
Changes at Barnes & Noble
In mid-2014, Barnes & Noble changed the way they generated encryption keys. Instead of deriving the key from the user's name and credit card number, they started generating a random key themselves, sending that key through to devices when they connected to the Barnes & Noble servers. This means that some users will find that no combination of their name and CC# will work in decrypting their ebooks.
There is a work-around. Barnes & Noble’s desktop app NOOK Study generates a log file that contains the encryption key. You can download NOOK Study
Can't find a copy of nook study. I just bought 4 books today, thinking that it worked like it used to last year, and now I don't know how to remove the drm so I can read them on my other Tdevices. Help,Please