How to remove DRM from WMV file.
Hi there, I've been at this for over 24 hours now, and I have no intention on giving up anytime soon.
I've signed up something called DStv on Demand, it delivers TV shows, and clips in WMV format, but however the WMV files are DRM protected.
I have a valid license, which I use to play the clips. However I would like to play the files using my PS3 on the bigger TV in the house, and I'm not confined to my 17" computer monitor.
I've been at it for over 24 hours, I've tried everything. I have VMware installed, and a virtual XP SP3 machine. I've tried installing WMP10, and when I go to individualize, it says it's complete however there's no sign of the cache sub folder in my DRM folder, in the all users folder. I also installed WMP 11 Beta 2, and when I individualized, it installed the latest IBX automatically, which is version 11.0.6001.8015, and I understand that version won't work.
How do I get an older IBX version installed? That would solve all my problems.
I tried another method, Amersoft. However The quality is below my expectations, and the FPS isn't normal, it's not very smooth and I feel there is quite a fair bit of quality lost there.
So can somebody please help me with this DRM situation please, it would be nice.