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Old 05-05-2006, 04:18 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Remove DRM from WMV, ASF, WMA using Automate unDRM v2.0 (drmdbg, drm2wmv, DecryptIt)

Remove DRM from WMV, ASF, WMA (lossless conversion of DRM protected .wmv, .asf, .wma files) using Automate unDRM v2.0 (drmdbg, drm2wmv, DecryptIt)

We do not host or provide downloads of Automate unDRM, drmdbg, drm2wmv, DecryptIt. When downloading software from unknown sources make sure to check your downloads with a RELIABLE antivirus software like Kaspersky Anti-Virus or Kaspersky Internet Security.

About DRM removal process
drmdbg/drm2wmv don't convert your original audio/video actually, they just remove DRM header of the media file, so you get lossless conversion of DRM protected media files.

Automate unDRM v2.0 is used to automate drmdbg and drm2wmv.

1. You must have VALID license files on your harddrive and be able to play the DRM protected files without restrictions. Otherwise DRM decryption won't work! Nobody has % ed DRM" for .WMV yet if that's what you want. You have to have the license at least once, then you can unwrap your .WMV, .ASF, .WMA DRM2 protected files to playback later.

2. You need Windows Media Player 9.00.00.xxxx or Windows Media Player
Note: If you install update KB891122, it updates many of the DRM components in your system, then drmdbg will not work anymore. Use only WMP9 or WMP10 v.3646 without any Windows Media Runtime updates.

The best way to make sure it is working, do a clean install of WinXP. You may use Virtual PC to install another copy of WinXP.
Note : Win XP SP1 or SP2 with all latest updates doesn't prevent drmdbg to work properly. Remember only if you install update KB891122, it will prevent drmdbg to work.

At the first time you play any protected content after clean install, wmp will connect to internet for individualization or security upgrade. Let it do it, then verify that IndivBox.key version in your C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM is Only this version of IndivBox.key will work perfectly to undrm protected media in my knowledge. If you found IndivBox.key version 3930, drmdbg will not work anymore.

If you have update KB891122 installed, remove it. According to Microsoft, to remove this update, you must uninstall the Windows Media Format Runtime by using "Add or Remove Programs".

Some content providers of DRM protected media files will ask you to install KB891122 before you can play the media. If you install it, you won't be able to use undrm anymore.

You can download WMP at:

Note: If you Rollback Windows Media Player to a previous version, you can lose all your license keys after that.

3. System Individualized with IndivBox.key version

4. Windows Script 5.6
Automate DRM uses a vbs script to manipulate drmdbg and drm2wmv, so you must install Windows Script 5.6 for WinXP (included in the Automate DRM 2.0 installer) to enable this script working.

5. You may need to disable antispyware and antivirus programs when running DRM removal tools. But don't do it before trying to unDRM files with antispyware and antivirus enabled!

6. This instruction is provided to make fair-use backups only (for example if you can't transfer your legally obtained DRM protected wma files to the iPod). Please also read the ToS of the site with DRM protected audio/video files.

Remove DRM from WMV, ASF, WMA files

1. Download Automate unDRM 2.0 and install it.
File size : 1.43mb

2. Right click on a .wma, .wmv or .asf file, launch Automate unDRM, then your new [fix]-[UNDRM]-files will be created in the same folder as your original file. You original file will not be overwritten, but it is always good to make a back-up.

Please read Automate unDRM readme.txt file for more.


Use DecryptIt to remove DRM protection from your media files (also included in the installer).
DecryptIt is recommended for batch undrm process.

I do not guarantee the safe usage of this instructions. You must have some brain to use it.
I don't provide any support for the usage of this Automate unDRM and the above mentioned instructions.

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 05-05-2006 at 05:02 AM.
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Old 05-05-2006, 04:43 AM
Stream Recorder
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Individualization Process

IndivBox.key will be downloaded from microsoft server at the first time you try to play DRM protected media. Or if it is already downloaded before, then you should delete the DRM folder ( C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM ), 'coz IndivBox.key needs to be downloaded again.

It depends on what version of media player you use, but not actually version of media player. It will detect runtime file in your system, if you have clean install of Windows XP and never update/upgrade your media player and never applied media player's hotfixes, it will download IndivBox.key v10.00.00.3646 to your C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM

By default, clean install of Windows XP will install windows media player 9, then when you attempt to play drm file for the first time, media player will ask you for a security upgrade.

After you have finished a security upgrade and IndivBox.key has been downloaded to your drm folder, please check what version of your IndivBox.key.

How to individualize your system for the first time?
1. Delete the DRM folder C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM

2. Go to:
and click upgrade.

If your IndivBox.key version is, you will able to un-DRM your medias. And if your version is 10.00.003930, just say good bye to undrm.
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Old 05-05-2006, 04:45 AM
Stream Recorder
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Updates of Windows XP and Windows Media Player

Automatic updates of Windows XP
Disable automatic updates of Windows XP. Turn update notification on, so that you know when new updates are available and can install them manually skipping the Windows Media Player updates.

Security Update for Windows Media Player 10 for Windows XP

If you have windows media player v10.0.0.3646 installed, you can safely apply the following security updates/hotfixes :

1. Security Update for Windows Media Player Plug-in (KB911564)

File Name: WindowsMedia-KB911564-x86-ENU.exe
Date Published: 2/13/2006
Direct Download

2. Security Update for Windows Media Player 10 for Windows XP (KB911565)

File Name: WindowsMedia10-KB911565-v2-x86-ENU.exe
Date Published: 4/11/2006
Direct Download

Brief Description
A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to remotely compromise your Windows-based system using the Windows Media Player Plug-in and gain control over it.

*This security update will update your Windows Media Player Core to It mean that your WMP version still 10.0.03646 and you still can undrm with this security updates.
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Old 05-05-2006, 04:46 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

How to uninstall Windows Media Player 10

How to uninstall Windows Media Player 10?

I. Use xplite


To roll back from Windows Media Player 10 to a previous version using Add or Remove Programs, do the following:
1. Click "Start"->"Control Panel". In the Control Panel (Category View) click "Add or Remove Programs".
2. Click "Add or Remove Programs" again, and then do one of the following:
a. If you are running Windows XP Service Pack 2, select the "Show updates" check box (at the top of the list), click Windows Media Player 10, and then click Change/Remove.
- or -
b. If you are running Windows XP Service Pack 1 or earlier, click Windows Media Player 10, and then click Change/Remove.
Reboot your machine after uninstalling.

To roll back from Windows Media Player 10 to a previous version (that was part of your original version of Windows) you may also use System Restore.
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Old 05-20-2006, 04:05 AM
Xplic1T Xplic1T is offline
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I have tryed everything including doing a clean install of xp and everything is have is correct except my IndivBox.key file is

Is there any other way around this like for somebody to upload the correct key version and replace it with mine in this system. Everytime i try to re individualise it gives me the 3930 version.

Thank you

any help would be apprechiated
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Old 05-21-2006, 02:15 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

You have to individualize your system, you can't just copy files.

Clean install is the best option. But what version of WMP did you install? Was it WMP 9 or WMP
Have you updated your WinXP after the installation (correct answer - no)? Have you disabled automatic updates?
Have you installed any updates or hofixes?

If you decided to uninstall any updates or hotfixes, make sure you reboot when it says to after each uninstall of the update or hotfix.

One more thing for Yahoo! Music Unlimited users:
You have to install wmp 10 v3646 after the installation of yahoo music because yahoo music installs Windows Media format runtime that drmdbg doesnt support.
When installing wmp make sure that you install the format runtime so that it replaces the default format runtime that yahoo music installs.
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Old 05-21-2006, 12:51 PM
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International Automate unDRM V2.0

Hi Stream Recorder,

I checked the runtime generated VBS file. The only problem for e.g. German XP version is that the paths are not used with variables, like %ProgramFiles% instead of the absolute path \Program Files\

If you would make those little changes in your exes, Automate unDRM would also work on other languages.
Would you do this? ;-)

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Old 05-21-2006, 08:45 PM
Xplic1T Xplic1T is offline
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brand new clean install of xp sp2 (not installed xp and upgraded to sp2 but it was a disk that had sp2 on there)

and that was it

had wm 9 but then i upgraded to the correct 10 version and tryed to individualise and it gave me the wrong indivbox.key version .3934 or something.

I deleted drm and rolled back to wm9 and tryed to individualse and still the same thing.


- Xplic1t
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Old 05-21-2006, 08:57 PM
Xplic1T Xplic1T is offline
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Found a hack that worked for any windows machine without any updates on it.

1) Go to add/remove programs
2) Check show updates
3) Uninstall wm format upgrade
4) rollback leads to install
5) go into drm folder delete everything except your .39 indivbox.key file (you cant delete it)
6)go back to the microsoft upgrade site to individualse
7)individualse and there will be everything restored with another file Indiv002.key which has version .36 which will run automate unDRM.

8) run it like normal it will use your indiv002 file as the primary
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Old 09-09-2006, 11:25 AM
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Re: Remove DRM from WMV, ASF, WMA using Automate unDRM v2.0 (drmdbg, drm2wmv, Decrypt

new link for Automate unDRM???? cause the file had been deleted from the rapidshare
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