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Old 07-01-2009, 02:13 AM
Stream Recorder
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How to remove the CD-partition from Zune USB Drive

I got a free Zune 1Gb USB Drive and every time I was inserting to the USB slot I got two drives. One of the drives was a CD-partition that was launching Zune software screen. It irritated me a lot. But it appeared that the CD-partition can be remove easily.

Please note that you may use this tutorial at your own risk!

First you need to identify your device. I used freeware USBDeview v1.40 to find the VendorID (1307) and ProductID (0165). helped me to indentify my drive (A-Data My flash 8 Gb) Controller UT165, Chip Hynix-2422 and the utility that can be used - UT165

MP TOOL UT165 can be downloaded from

How to remove CD partition from A-Data My flash 8 Gb with MP Tool UT165
  1. Download and install MP Tool UT165. Install the FABulk driver despite the warning (The driver is an absolute requirement, the tool can not "talk" with the controller-chip without it).
  2. Disconnect all USB devices. Insert the Zune USB drive.
  3. Start MP Tool UT165.
  4. The tool doesn't auto-enumerate the USB-port, so you need to press F3 "Enum" or select the menu-item; F5 "Refresh" seems to do the same btw.

    Note: I used F12 "ScanBlk" and it helped me to see the green light for my USB Drive in the device tree list when F3 and F5 were not working.
  5. Once the tool sees the flash-drive go to "Setting" (F1) .
    1. In the first tab you have various options relating to how the drive identifies itself to windows (or any other OS). Of special interest is the option "Disk Type". If you select "Fixed" instead of the default "Removable", you will be able to create and simultaneously mount multiple partitions on windows later, just like any "normal" HDD .
    2. You can pretty much change any setting on that tab to whatever you like, just leave the VID/PID alone.
    3. In the next tab you might want to change the option in the serial-number section to "don't change serial number" or maybe even define your own sr# (and say goodbye to any warranty but you probably do that just by using the tool !! )
    4. Last is the "Partition Settings" tab. To reclaim all the available space and create one large partition
      (or "LUN" to be more exact, it's not the same as "partition"), go to "Public Area 1 (LUN 0)" and check "Partition Option", check that "Partition Size" is set to "Auto", enter a "Volume label" (optional), select file-system, make sure all other options on the tab are grayed out, then save your settings (for reference in case you want to change something later ) and click "OK" .
  6. When you are ready to apply the changes, just press the "Spacebar" (and say goodbye to any warranty)

I don't really know how to remove the USB Drive safely, because F8 option is always greyed out. I just removed the USB drive from the USB slot.

After that in MP Tool go to the Driver drop-down menu and Select the "Uninstall driver" option. Close the program. The driver will be un-installed.

If everything went normally you should enjoy your 1GB flash drive now.
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