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Old 12-20-2011, 02:26 PM
LesNessmann LesNessmann is offline
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Recording XBOX using HDMI


I'm kinda new to this, but I'm looking to record some XBOX Live gameplay. I like the idea of using Capture Hardware like a Hauppauge PVR, etc., but it seems to me that if I use one, I won't be able to have an HDMI input to my TV while doing so. I don't mind using component cables to record, but I don't really want to downgrade my picture quality on my TV screen while I record.

I was wondering if it was possible to use the HD Component cables from my XBOX as the input to the PVR, but instead of running a cable from the PVR to my TV, if it would be possible to just run an HDMI cable from my XBOX to my TV instead. I would have to crack the plastic piece off of my XBOX Component cables to allow both cables to fit in the back of my XBOX at the same time, but if I did, would the PVR still record my gameplay, while still having my TV project an HDMI quality picture? Does anybody know if this would work?

I just don't want to loose the quality of the picture I see on my TV while I record and I notice the difference between using my XBOX component cables and an HDMI cable while I play. If anyone can help me with this I would really appreciate it.

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