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Old 07-30-2006, 11:40 PM
Posts: n/a

Recording MP4 RTSP streaming videos - Almost everything done but...

Hello, I?m trying to get some videos (MOV) from the following URLs:



I found this addresses throw the URLSnooper.

Well, everything was right until the time of testing the downloaded (with HiDownload 6.9 Beta 4) videos arrived..

When I try to playback the two downloaded videos, I only see a black screen, this happen with QuickTime player.

I tought that the problem could be this player, so i try with VLC and BSPlayer. But none worked.

The best result I got was with the BSPlayer, that played the videos but extremly fast and without sound.

Then I tought that the problem was my installed version of Quicktime, the one that I installed came with ITunes I uninstalled this version, and install the QuickTime 7.0.3, which was the one denoted by the QuickTime agent in the HiDownload.
But this did not solve the problem.

I really hope that someone can help me, because i love to see this videos!!

I'm almost sure that I`m doing something wrong, so if it is something obvious I'm sorry for taking your time.

I say goodby from Argentina.
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Old 07-31-2006, 03:15 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

MP4 RTSP streams

How did you manage to record the RTSP MP4 stream with HiDownload???

I thought that Mov Recorder is the only recorder of MOV and MP4 RTSP streams. However MP4 streams are more difficult to record (you may have seen some problems in this forum).

Two more programs to try are free VLC and MPlayer media players. Both can dump many streams and both are not very stable at it.

MP4 streams can be broadcasted by Apple's Darwin Server, however there are othere solutions (See, for example, MP4 streaming FAQ). So an MP4 stream is not necessarily a QuickTime stream.

You may also read about playing MP4 streams in the MP4 streaming FAQ

As for .MP4 files on a hard disk, I prefer to play them with free Media Player Classic that is a part of free "K-Lite Mega Codec Pack".

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack has MP4 splitter and a bunch of MPEG-4 decoders, as well as the majority of the most popular of codecs that are needed to play videos.

I suggest you to:
1. Download K-Lite Mega Codec Pack and try to play the videos.
2. Try MovRecorder to record video streams. It is free to try.

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 07-31-2006 at 12:56 PM.
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Old 07-31-2006, 08:45 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: Recording MP4 RTSP streaming videos - Almost everything done but...

First of all, thank you very much for your answer.

To download de videos using HiDownload, the only thing that i had to do, is to modify the options of RSTP streaming, declaring to use HTTP , throw port 80.

I try to do everything you said me, but i can not manage to play the videos.. when i installed the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack (version 1.55 i think) package that you said me and used the Media Player Classic, the player says that the file cannot be opened.

I also try with VLC, but nothing happens, just a initial screen, and then its freezed...

Related to the format of the videos, I?m sure (not 100%) that this link
is to a Quicktime Video, because if I use the QuickTime Player to open the URL, it works perfect.

Well, if anyone can try to download the videos and telling me what happen I will be glad! Because, is just some bad installation or an incorrect version in my system.

Thanks again!
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Old 07-31-2006, 12:51 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Recording MP4 RTSP streaming videos - Almost everything done but...

QT Player supports MPEG-4 SP, AVC and AAC in the MP4 container so it can play video produced and streamed by Apple's software or any other software producing compliant media files. Likewise other players support a "QuickTime" .MP4 videos.

Unfortunately I don't see anything else I can suggest here.

I've contacted Streamingstar about HiDownload and MovRecorder. Hopefully they will reply soon.

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 07-31-2006 at 01:38 PM.
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Old 07-31-2006, 09:58 PM
Posts: n/a

Re: Recording MP4 RTSP streaming videos - Almost everything done but...

Ok, I'll wait for news.

If someone knows anything about those two links and how to download them correctly, please! tell me!

One thing, i managed to download this movie with MovRecorder, but when i play the movie, it is reproduced but too slowly.

Thanks a lot!
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Old 08-01-2006, 02:23 AM
streamingstar streamingstar is offline
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Re: Recording MP4 RTSP streaming videos - Almost everything done but...

HiDownload/Movrecorder support MP4, but they seem to have problem, we will check the URLs, sorry.

Quicktime streaming media is very very complicated, we are working hard to kown more about it.

If you have more quicktime streaming media URLs, please also send them to , thanks.
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Old 08-02-2006, 08:10 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: Recording MP4 RTSP streaming videos - Almost everything done but...

Ok, I will send de URLs to that mail.

From my point of you, the problem in HiDownload is at the end of the download, at that moment, it seems that Hidownload tries to "compile" or "build" the downloaded file...

Is there anyway that i can help? I'am Smalltalk programmer , and now a Java programmer.

Thanks a lot!
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