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Old 12-20-2009, 03:42 PM
tareco tareco is offline
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Recording live streaming events

Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone will answer my questions for me.

Since getting this computer a few months ago that came loaded with crappy Vista, I've run into problems using certain programs because it's the 64-bit. I need to download a program which will allow me to record live streaming events and is compatable with Vista 64-bit. For now, I also need it to be free. (I'm not cheap, just broke!) Will someone recommend a program for me and also let me know how easy it is to use? ( to record) I'd also like to clarify that the problems I've had have been with other programs-I haven't yet downloaded or attempted to download anything for recording audio.

Also, what's a good way for me to practice recording?

I'm new at this so any assistance you can provide will be most appreciated! Thanks in advance!
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Old 12-20-2009, 10:47 PM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: Recording live streaming events

Well, what types of streams are they? Are they Windows Media, Real PLayer, Streaming Flash or other?

Also, Can you please provide me with the URL of the video you're wanting to record, or an example, so I can check it out?

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Old 12-21-2009, 07:59 AM
tareco tareco is offline
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Re: Recording live streaming events

Hi there and thanks for responding! Well, I don't know the answer to your questions. I will be taking a test later on this week that will involve having to record a live streaming event so that I can transcribe it. It was suggested by the person who will be sending me the test that I practice recording beforehand. I have Windows Vista and think I have Real Player. I guess I'm not sure how all of this fits together.

I'm trying to get some work which is why I need to take this test so anything at all that you can tell me that will help-I will be so grateful!
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Old 01-02-2010, 12:27 AM
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Re: Recording live streaming events

Originally Posted by tareco View Post
Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone will answer my questions for me.

Since getting this computer a few months ago that came loaded with crappy Vista, I've run into problems using certain programs because it's the 64-bit. I need to download a program which will allow me to record live streaming events and is compatable with Vista 64-bit. For now, I also need it to be free. (I'm not cheap, just broke!) Will someone recommend a program for me and also let me know how easy it is to use? ( to record) I'd also like to clarify that the problems I've had have been with other programs-I haven't yet downloaded or attempted to download anything for recording audio.

Also, what's a good way for me to practice recording?

I'm new at this so any assistance you can provide will be most appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Many of the programs work fine in 64bit OSes. Please see the following lists of software
- All streaming media recording software
- All streaming audio recording software

As Stream Ripper mentioned, If you have problems recording a particular stream, please post a link to it so that we can try to suggest you the best software.
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