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Old 06-30-2008, 10:19 AM
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Recording internet radio in virtual machine.

I have Vista installed as a virtual machine using VMware Fusion on my Mac desktop. When I try to record internet radio with Power Sound Editor (freeware) nothing happens. In the equalizer display or sound display no harmonics are seen and the software records a blank clip. I've made sure that the sound device is active/enabled under the sound control menu. Suggestions?
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Old 06-30-2008, 11:53 AM
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Re: Recording internet radio in virtual machine.

Originally Posted by mesageth View Post
I have Vista installed as a virtual machine using VMware Fusion on my Mac desktop. When I try to record internet radio with Power Sound Editor (freeware) nothing happens. In the equalizer display or sound display no harmonics are seen and the software records a blank clip. I've made sure that the sound device is active/enabled under the sound control menu. Suggestions?
Hi Mesageth,

To be honest, it's been a few years since I set up anything using WmWare (it was for my networking class, had to setup server 03 plus 3-4 other windows xp machines, etc)...I remember that the proxy servers had alot to do with how you could view/stream the internet (or not)....but that's about as much as I remember for now. I'm assuming you're able to stream the video/audio you want to record ok?
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Old 07-04-2008, 09:18 AM
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Re: Recording internet radio in virtual machine.

Try other direct sound recording software like freeware Freecorder Toolbar.
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