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Old 06-01-2011, 10:50 PM
RyanThaDude RyanThaDude is offline
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record/rip/download/save/capture the SiriusXM feeds

Just out of curiosity has anyone been able to capture the SiriusXM feeds? I know it can be done since it seems that Radium and possibly Pulsar for Mac uses rtmpdump code to capture these streams.

I've even probed in the Radium's files and found some Python scripts that generates the working URLs but I'm not much of a programmer, let alone knowing any Python! Windows solutions are preferred since my Mac has hardware issues and crashes some times while capturing my favorite shows in the morning (Using Pulsar/AudioHijacker).

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Old 06-13-2011, 08:08 AM
RyanThaDude RyanThaDude is offline
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Re: record/rip/download/save/capture the SiriusXM feeds

I guess no one knows how to do this. I was really hoping on this before my Mac died, but unfortunately woke to a dead Mac this morning right in the middle of the show I record.

I just don't get it. While Macs have various solutions to play and record the rtmpe streams not one Windows version is to be found. It has to be possible.
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Old 06-13-2011, 08:39 AM
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Re: record/rip/download/save/capture the SiriusXM feeds

Adobe has forced most software vendors to remove RTMPE support. The only commercial software for Windows that I know that supports RTMPE is GetFLV.

Freeware open-source rtmpdump (Windows/Mac/Linux) can download RTMPE streams as well, so someone will probably create a free solution for recording SiriusXM feeds soon.
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Old 06-13-2011, 10:21 AM
RyanThaDude RyanThaDude is offline
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Re: record/rip/download/save/capture the SiriusXM feeds

I've tried many ways to capture using rtmpdump using both rtmpsrv and rtmpsuck and using RTMPexplorer with the SiriusXM feeds without any luck.

I tried GetFLV with limited success. It doesn't always capture properly and when it does it's not automatic, meaning I can't set a timer to record. It doesn't defeat the player's 90 minute (or earlier) timeout issue. And at $60 it's fairly expensive compared to what Pulsar and Audio Hijacker (both from Rogue Amoeba) offered for Mac users at nearly half the cost.

If Replay AV would update that would be wonderful. Until then I'll continue my quest for that near-perfect software solution.
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Old 07-14-2011, 05:07 PM
everything0 everything0 is offline
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Re: record/rip/download/save/capture the SiriusXM feeds

This will help:

It runs as a local server that does the authentication/pulls the stream URL from Sirius, then redirects you to the direct stream, which is not encrypted. (Note: this program picks up the legacy WMA feeds, which are 128 kbps) -- I'm not sure what the new AAC stream bitrates are.
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Old 07-19-2011, 04:36 PM
RyanThaDude RyanThaDude is offline
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Re: record/rip/download/save/capture the SiriusXM feeds

Originally Posted by everything0 View Post
This will help:

It runs as a local server that does the authentication/pulls the stream URL from Sirius, then redirects you to the direct stream, which is not encrypted. (Note: this program picks up the legacy WMA feeds, which are 128 kbps) -- I'm not sure what the new AAC stream bitrates are.
I've used that and SiriusXMStreamer, too, but as you said they use the legacy feeds. While the music channels are primarily in 128kbps majority of talk channels are in 48kbps, highly compressed and not in stereo, despite the stream being stereo.

I believe the new feeds are AAC-HE 64kbps.
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