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Old 02-04-2010, 12:00 PM
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How to record radio station stream on schedule when RTMP URL of the station changes

The trick by excalifornian allows to record RTMP streams on schedule using Replay AV

Originally Posted by excalifornian
Here is a workaround for stations like KFI and KRLA that have gone to that stupid "flash" system, which means we cannot record in the usual manner. This way you can record unattended, and undoubtedly it will work with any station.
  1. Set your Applian recorder to the times you want to record, just like normal. But don't put in any URL Leave that area blank. Set to "What You Hear".
  2. Now go to the station's website and open the flash player. That url in the address bar is what you need to copy for the next step.

    (These directions are for my system, XP, but you should be able to find the equivalent in other systems.)
  3. Now go over to Start > Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks > Add Scheduled Task.

    A wizard will walk you through the setup. Decide what browser you want to use. At the end, either check the box that you want to open the extra settings (whatever it's called) or finish it and then right-click for Properties.
  4. Under the "Task" tab, the "Run" field should have this format:
    (this is for the KRLA player)

    "C:\Documents and Settings\Carol\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" http:\\player\flash\audio_player. php?id=KRLAAM&uid=104

    What you will find initially is the string for the browser only, not the station's player. It will end with iexplore.exe, chrome.exe, whatever. First, make sure that string is within quote marks. Then add a single space at the end. Then paste in the player's url, no more quotes.
  5. Then go to the "Schedule" tab. Check off the days you want it to run, and what time to start.
  6. To set the duration, click the "Settings" tab. The default is to run 72 hours! Why, who knows. That's a weird number, so change it to whatever you need.

    You are now finished. Test, test, test. Right-click and tell it to run. If the browser opens and you hear the station, you're all set. I'd advise (being somewhat paranoid) that you sit and watch it at the scheduled time, to make sure there is no glitch.

Do this for each time and each station. I made a separate one for each program, but there is an option for you to make multiple schedules on the same station.

The Good: Without the URL in Replay, it will start recording immediately. When it has a URL in that field, there's a delay, waiting for the Replay player to open. Then if there's no sound, you'll get a popup notice. So this way is fast, with the URL field empty, which means there's no waiting for the Replay player. And this whole method bypasses the "tricks" or whatever the stations are doing, requiring a token or something to be renewed every so often.

The Bad: You cannot go surfing on the net while it's running this way because far too many websites have flash or audio that starts automatically that will ruin your recording.

The Ugly: You may want to convert the recordings down to a smaller size, depending on what you get. 128 down to 32 is what I do to save space. What I record is speech so don't need higher than 32. I also convert all .asf files to .mp3 for more playback choices.

I did think that you had to have the sound actually being heard in the room (you do have to see the green bars on Replay, however) but I experimented the other day and found that you can turn the volume off on your external speakers and still have the green bars and still make a proper recording! Good news! This means you can record even while someone is sleeping.

I hope this workaround helps a lot of people. Remember to test, test, test, and then test again, making sure it works on your particular system.

P.S., for some programs, you can use the Replay Media Guide or the program's website directly to find if it's on another station across the country. That's what I've done with some programs, and I can use Replay with those stations the normal way. Downside of that is that the different time zones drive me crazy!
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