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Old 09-05-2010, 06:30 PM
Schadenfreude Schadenfreude is offline
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Re: Record Clear Channel radio stations (

any updates on this? I'm looking to record a live iheartradio stream at a certain time, rtmpdump cannot find a playpath.
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Old 11-18-2010, 03:04 PM
jason331 jason331 is offline
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Re: Record Clear Channel radio stations (

I got command line recording working from a batch file using rtmpdump in Windows. Here's how I did it:

I've been wanting to record Coast To Coast AM since it comes on well after I've gone to sleep but have never been able to do it reliably. Here in Houston it comes on KTRH-AM and is also available via iheartradio, so I created a batch file that contains the following:

REM Download the XML file containing the unique auth code
wget " _live"
REM delete the existing XML file from the previous recording
del ktrh-am.xml
REM rename the newly-downloaded XML file from above to a usable format
ren "player_dispatcher.html@section=radio&action=liste n_live" ktrh-am.xml
REM Get the unique auth code from the XML file (the dots in the line below are used to get all 68 characters of the unique auth code)
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('sed -n "s/.*\(auth=......................................... ...........................\).*/\1/p" ktrh-am.xml') do @set ccam=%%a
REM Build the URL that will be passed to rtmpdump
REM Record the audio
rtmpdump.exe -v -r %ktrh% -o d:\recordings\coasttocoastam.flv

I had to use two Unix commands (ported to Windows): sed and wget to make everything work correctly. I noticed that each time I refreshed the XML page only the auth code changed. This allowed me to script the process using the batch commands above.

This is by no means perfect but it can be run as a scheduled task and works for what I need.
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Old 11-21-2010, 12:04 AM
jason331 jason331 is offline
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Re: Record Clear Channel radio stations (

OK, so here's a better version of my batch file that records Coast To Coast AM on 740 KTRH here in Houston from iheartradio. You can modify the URL below to fit your own station preferences:

REM Downloads the XML file from iheartradio
wget " _live"
REM Deletes the existing XML file
del ktrh-am.xml
REM Renames the downloaded file to the correct format
ren "player_dispatcher.html@section=radio&action=liste n_live" ktrh-am.xml
REM Gets the unique 68-character auth key from the XML file and sets it to a variable
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('sed -n "s/.*\(auth=......................................... ...........................\).*/\1/p" ktrh-am.xml') do @set ccam=%%a
REM Builds the RTMP URL that gets passed to RTMPdump later below
REM Downloads the show to an FLV file for 7200 seconds (two hours) and then stops
rtmpdump.exe -v -B 7200 -r %ktrh% -o D:\MP3\CoastToCoastAM\coasttocoastam.flv
REM Part one of the MP3 conversion process; converts the FLV file to an AAC file
FLVExtractCL.exe -a -o D:\MP3\CoastToCoastAM\coasttocoastam.flv
REM Part two of the MP3 conversion process; converts the AAC file to an MP3 file
ffmpeg -y -i D:\MP3\CoastToCoastAM\coasttocoastam.aac -ar 22050 -ab 32 -map_meta_data D:\MP3\CoastToCoastAM\coasttocoastam.mp3:\MP3\Co astToCoastAM\coasttocoastam.aac D:\MP3\CoastToCoastAM\coasttocoastam.mp3
REM Deletes the leftover AAC and FLV files
del D:\MP3\CoastToCoastAM\coasttocoastam.aac
del D:\MP3\CoastToCoastAM\coasttocoastam.flv
REM Builds the current date and time so the MP3 can be renamed with the unique date and time.
REM This changes the "/" to a "-" ---
REM This grabs the time and sets it as a variable ---
REM This removes the ":" from the time stamp variable ---
REM This sets concatenates both variables ---
set TODAY=%date%-%TIME%
REM Renames the final MP3 file to an easily-recognizable format with the date appended to the filename
ren "D:\MP3\CoastToCoastAM\coasttocoastam.mp3" "coasttocoastam-%TODAY%.mp3"

A text copy of the batch file is also attached for convenience. Again, this method only works in Windows and is not the definitive perfect way to record iheartradio, but it works for what I need and I can schedule it to run automatically. You're all welcome to modify, improve, etc as needed.

Attached Files
File Type: txt recordiheartradio.txt (2.3 KB, 0 views)
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Old 04-16-2011, 11:50 PM
LReyomeXX LReyomeXX is offline
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Re: Record Clear Channel radio stations (

I need something like this for WKSS 95.7 to record The Buzz with Randy Boyer from 12am-4am on Sundays, however it looks like some of those lines at the beginning of the file do not coincide with existing site address portions.
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Old 06-15-2011, 01:04 AM
njl433 njl433 is offline
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Re: Record Clear Channel radio stations (

Originally Posted by LReyomeXX View Post
I need something like this for WKSS 95.7 to record The Buzz with Randy Boyer from 12am-4am on Sundays, however it looks like some of those lines at the beginning of the file do not coincide with existing site address portions.
try this link for WKSS:


it looks like most of the Clear Channel stations have been solved because there is a format like this:

_ (KIIS-FM-102.7 Los Angeles)
_ (WHTZ-FM-100.3 Z100 New York)
_ (KFI-AM-640 Los Angeles)

put your station call letters in the appropriate place and run thru VLC Player and then go to "Media Information" tab and it will give you the akamai stream...

for people trying to record Dave Ramsey or Coast to Coast, maybe i'm missing something but just go to or a similar site that will list the many stations that carry and stream those shows and find a station that freely gives out their URL location - for Coast to Coast there's KSFO 560 AM just off the top of my head but many more i'm sure and then use something like Tapin Radio to schedule recording...idk, maybe i'm not seeing what the problem is...
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Old 07-19-2011, 11:07 AM
ComputerChris ComputerChris is offline
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Re: Record Clear Channel radio stations (

I've been trying to use the akamai stream url to download the stream but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm not sure if I'm using it in the right format or what. Can anyone provide an example of there rtmpdump command?
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Old 07-20-2011, 11:56 PM
njl433 njl433 is offline
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Re: Record Clear Channel radio stations (

Originally Posted by ComputerChris View Post
I've been trying to use the akamai stream url to download the stream but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm not sure if I'm using it in the right format or what. Can anyone provide an example of there rtmpdump command?

try Tapin Radio...recording or just listening works easy for me with that little app...i tested an Clear Channel station with the akamai stream and it worked fine...
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Old 07-21-2011, 01:46 AM
KSV KSV is offline
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Re: Record Clear Channel radio stations (

rtmpdump.exe -r "rtmp://" --live --verbose -o Test.flv
RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2011-07-11 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting Live Stream
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:   audiodatarate         64.00
INFO:   audiosamplerate       44100.00
INFO:   audiocodecid          10.00
INFO:   canSeekToEnd          FALSE
INFO:   audiodevice           Orban Optimod 1100 (224001018)
INFO:   metadatacreator       Orban Opticodec-PC PE 3.6.87 (os=Windows NT 5.1 Se
rvice Pack 3)
INFO:   description           Hi-Fi Internet Audio Stream
INFO:   name                  Z100 - WHTZ-FM - New York's Hit Music Station
INFO:   website     
INFO:   creationdate          Saturday, July 16, 2011 12:19:04 UTC
INFO:   artist                Britney Spears
INFO:   title                 Till The World Ends
INFO:   url                   song_spot="M" MediaBaseId="1700342" itunesTrackId=
"431378501" amgTrackId="T 23123649" amgArtistId="0" TAID="33206" TPID="12747322"
 cartcutId="0101204001" amgArtworkURL="/us/r1000/023/Music/06/6c/f0/mzi.wrpwecrg
.170x170-75.jpg" length="00:03:55" unsID="13
430.256 kB / 52.52 sec
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Old 08-04-2011, 12:12 PM
ComputerChris ComputerChris is offline
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Re: Record Clear Channel radio stations (

Originally Posted by KSV View Post
rtmpdump.exe -r "rtmp://" --live --verbose -o Test.flv
RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2011-07-11 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting Live Stream
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:   audiodatarate         64.00
INFO:   audiosamplerate       44100.00
INFO:   audiocodecid          10.00
INFO:   canSeekToEnd          FALSE
INFO:   audiodevice           Orban Optimod 1100 (224001018)
INFO:   metadatacreator       Orban Opticodec-PC PE 3.6.87 (os=Windows NT 5.1 Se
rvice Pack 3)
INFO:   description           Hi-Fi Internet Audio Stream
INFO:   name                  Z100 - WHTZ-FM - New York's Hit Music Station
INFO:   website     
INFO:   creationdate          Saturday, July 16, 2011 12:19:04 UTC
INFO:   artist                Britney Spears
INFO:   title                 Till The World Ends
INFO:   url                   song_spot="M" MediaBaseId="1700342" itunesTrackId=
"431378501" amgTrackId="T 23123649" amgArtistId="0" TAID="33206" TPID="12747322"
 cartcutId="0101204001" amgArtworkURL="/us/r1000/023/Music/06/6c/f0/mzi.wrpwecrg
.170x170-75.jpg" length="00:03:55" unsID="13
430.256 kB / 52.52 sec
I'm just curious how you found the rtmp link?
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Old 08-18-2011, 12:48 PM
nullacht nullacht is offline
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Re: Record Clear Channel radio stations (

Originally Posted by ComputerChris View Post
I'm just curious how you found the rtmp link?
Take a look at the XML configuration files:

{{stationName}} = whtz-fm

<ListenLiveInitialize xmlns="">
<StreamInfo xmlns="">
<stream xmlns="" id="1469" primary_location="rtmp://"

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