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Old 08-20-2008, 01:57 AM
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Record/capture/download/rip BBC radio streams(rtmp:// .flv audio only iPlayer stream)

I have discovered a quick and easy workaround to solve the problem with wanting to record as streams things from the BBC radio "Listen Again" facility.

When you play something, it defaults to "Dial-up modem version: OFF" within the BBC iPlayer Radio Console. If you click on this, to turn it "ON", you will then find it streams the same stuff, but in a form Replay AV 8 can identify. The iPlayer Radio Console remembers how it was last left in this manner. So now within Replay AV 8 use the URL Finder under Tools, and go and play a Listen Again programme. It will open up as a RealPlayer feed and you can then see in it Replay AV 8 and save and name it as it always used to be done.

I think that the "Dial-up modem version: OFF" setting is to be preferred if just playing something in real time whilst at your PC, somewhere I think I read that the quality is supposed to be improved in this mode.
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Old 12-01-2009, 01:39 PM
Fugika Fugika is offline
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BBC Radio Flash Rip (Windows 7)

Hi, I have problem recording BBC radio streams. The only program that works for me is WM Recorder 14 - excellent. But it is too expensive for me. I tried another free programs but nothing works. I read a lot of topics/posts here but nothing helped.

Only thing I need is to download BBC streamed radio documents (no need video )

Thank you very much for any hint/help. (I am UK abroad;win7)
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Old 12-02-2009, 08:02 AM
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Re: BBC Radio Flash Rip (Windows 7)

You can download BBC radio streams with Replay Media Catcher (RMC) and Jaksta.

If you don't want to use commercial software like RMC and Jaksta, you can try freeware Orbit Downloader, CooJah + Blader, TubeMaster++.

You can also try freeware open-source rtmpdump, flvstreamer and get_iplayer.
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Old 12-02-2009, 11:33 AM
Fugika Fugika is offline
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Re: BBC Radio Flash Rip (Windows 7)

Thank you for your help! -but none of these programs works OK on my computer. It usually downloads only 3-4 kB file and thats all. Maybe I have to set something (but iam not skilled with this) WM Recorder works OK with no settings. I will have to buy it probably.
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Old 06-30-2010, 11:17 AM
john_h john_h is offline
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ripping from BBC radio4

Hi, I'm new here, and relatively inexperienced at ripping streaming audio. For a while I used to use this: URL to rip programs from radio4 altering the time and date accordingly:


One can see how the timing works and if I wanted something at Wednesday at 9 pm then that would be fine.

I had not done this for a while and yesterday and today have been trying to use it, but the programs are not from the past week, as they used to be, but seem to be the middle of May, or any old time.

I am wondering what has happened. Have the BBC changed the way they do this.

Does anyone have the new URL if there is one. I have tried all sorts of ways to find the direct address for the progs, but nothing has worked.

Help would be really appreciated, thanks.
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Old 06-30-2010, 01:47 PM
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Re: ripping from BBC radio4

Have you tried to find stream URLs with freeware URL Snooper?

If you have problems with it, please post the URL of a particular web-page where the stream can be found.
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Old 06-30-2010, 02:02 PM
john_h john_h is offline
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Re: ripping from BBC radio4

Thanks, but I did try snoop this afternoon without any success. I wonder if they have a new policy of really hiding their URL's. I would much rather avoid having to record in real time, as it takes over the whole PC, as well as the time involved. Apart from snoop is there a way of getting the URL's. I've tried WM Recorder, RMrecorder, trying to dismantle the files, but I guess it is being hidden behind javascript, of which I have no knowledge. A demo of BBC ripper did seem promising, but it seems very much a black box, and so is probably difficult if not impossible to dig out the URL from that. Also the full prog is very expensive for what you get. Any other thoughts? Is there anyone here you is actually at present managing to download what they want from BBC radio4 or indeed any other beeb station, and what URL would they be using.
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Old 06-30-2010, 06:12 PM
john_h john_h is offline
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Re: ripping from BBC radio4

Well, I've fiddled about with snooper again and looked at a few files and come up with this:


looks promising - doesn't it. But everything I have tried it in has rejected it one way or another I wonder if there are other bits of software to try.

It may be of course that it just won't work regardless of the software, but it does look like it might.

I've tried, NetTransport, Orbit Downloader, and free downloader. Any thoughts anyone.
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Old 07-01-2010, 10:42 AM
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Re: ripping from BBC radio4

What web-page are you trying to record from?
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Old 07-03-2010, 04:51 PM
john_h john_h is offline
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Re: ripping from BBC radio4

Hi, this is the one:

unfortunately less than 24 hours left
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