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Old 06-14-2008, 11:35 AM
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Record and save a copy of MP3 sound

Hello, I would like to ask your help, because I'm absolutely stucked with my problem.

I'd like to record and save a copy of this sound:

I've tried lots of programs, but my problem is, that I can't turn to enable the "mixer" function in my audio settings of my PC, because there is no any mixer function of my PC. I don't really understand why, because my laptop is a quite new developed one with a high definition Realtek soundcard.

I'm not asking you to solve my problem, but I need this sound very much from the URL above, so please record it if you can, and please send it to me.
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Old 06-14-2008, 11:41 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Record and save a copy of MP3 sound

If you wanna record from your sound card, you can use freeware Freecorder Toolbar or Jaksta Free Media Recorder. They work on many Realtek and SigmaTel soundcards, even on those that don't support recording!

Most MP3 streams are broadcasted with Shoutcast/Icecast servers and can be downloaded using many audio stream rippers that support Shoutcast compatible servers.

Some MP3 are broadcasted through the RTMP protocol. You can use RTMP Flash stream recorders like Replay Media Catcher to download RTMP .MP3 streams from adobe flash player.

All audio stream recording programs should be used as personal archiving tools only, so unfortunately I can't record any MP3s for you.
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Old 06-14-2008, 12:53 PM
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Re: Record and save a copy of MP3 sound

Thank you very much for your quick response!

Well, I only have half success. If I'd like to record from the net any streaming audio, that works correctly with this Freecorder Toolbar you've recommend.

But when I try to record any sound that is hearable on my speakers, this program either don't do anything, or although make the record, but automaticly cut it to 1sec long pieces, and save it separately (so a 1min long recording is saved in 60x1sec long files).

I suppose you don't understand what I try to record. I make a hobby movie. And when the title of the movie appears letter by letter on the screen, I like to make to hear it like it would be written by an old typewriter. I have a program, which makes the sound of a typewriter when you typing on your keyborad. I have a screen capture program too, which can record the screen when I'm writing the letters, and this program is capable to record the sound of the soundcard too, but I can't set it, because I don't have the "stereo mixer" function what is needed to be enable at the audio settings.

So that is the issue, and I am a bit puzzled now, I don't know what to do.

Thanks for the help!
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Old 06-15-2008, 02:07 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Record and save a copy of MP3 sound

There are lots of web-sites where you can download the sound of typewriter for free. For example, you can get it from
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Old 06-23-2008, 05:51 AM
noob2001204 noob2001204 is offline
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Re: Record and save a copy of MP3 sound

it seems that the sound source is a flash file
that's the link i found

i downloaded it and extract the sound from the flash file,i use Flash Decompiler

if you want the sound,download it here

Last edited by Stream Ripper : 06-23-2008 at 02:39 PM.
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Old 06-24-2008, 03:19 AM
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Re: Record and save a copy of MP3 sound

Thank you guys for the help.

The major problem, that I don't have the "stereo mixer" function at my audio settings of control panel, but my mother's old PC has it, so I could made the thing I'd wanted (with a 10 years old PC!).

This "stereo mixer" function disappeard. I think it's caused by the driver of my realtek soundcard.

Thanky you for the support!
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