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Old 01-03-2013, 03:30 AM
welcome22g welcome22g is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 2
welcome22g is on a distinguished road

Ready to Watch Texas Chainsaw 3D Online free

Watch Texas Chainsaw Online: The over view: After the first massacre in 1974, the townspeople suspected that the Sawyer family were responsible. A vigilante mob of enraged locals surrounded the Sawyer house, burning it to the ground and killing every last member of the family. Decades later a young woman named Heather learns that she has inherited a Texas estate from her grandmother. She decides to bring her friends along on the road trip to invesitgate her inheritance. On arrival she uncovers she has inherited a mansion but is yet to uncover the terrors that lurk in the basement below it. Written by Tom Thomas

Download Texas Chainsaw 3D Movie: Let's enjoy fans! After the first massacre in 1974, the townspeople suspected that the Sawyer family were responsible. A vigilante mob of enraged locals surrounded the Sawyer house, burning it to the ground and killing every last member of the family. Decades later a young woman named Heather learns that she has inherited a Texas estate from her grandmother. she decides to bring her friends along on the road trip to invesitgate her inheritance. On arrival she uncovers she has inherited a mansion but is yet to uncover the terrors that lurk in the basement below it. Written by Tom Thomas

Watch Texas Chainsaw 3D Online: Every day, Watch This offers staff recommendations inspired by a new movie coming out that week. This week: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D has us thinking about “real horror” movies. “The film you are about to see it true,” lied the tagline for Tobe Hooper’s 1974 horror classic The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, a piece of misinformation that Hooper claimed mirrored the lies being pushed by the United States government at the time. ( Download Texas ChainSaw 3D Movie ) But the line also establishes the film’s distinct aesthetic: Roughly inspired by the Ed Gein case, Hooper’s low-budget shocker isn’t a stylized, escapist piece of horror filmmaking, but one that emphasizes real terror through a plain, matter-of-fact brutality that’s infinitely more disturbing. Hooper removes all the varnish from the genre and shows how human beings suffer and die at the hands of other human beings—the film’s literal slaughterhouse functions as a stand-in for the metaphoric slaughterhouse of the Vietnam War. Hooper follows five teenagers as they visit their grandfather’s desecrated grave in a Texas backwater, but trouble begins when they pick up a vicious hitchhiker who slashes one of them (and himself) with a straight razor before getting ejected from the car.
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