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Old 06-09-2010, 08:30 AM
Posts: n/a

how to read sms on pc

I want to find a sms from my iphone, but there are so many sms in my iphone. So I want to read it on pc.
Is there a way can help me?
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Old 06-10-2010, 03:36 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: how to read sms on pc

To send and receive SMS messages via a mobile phone using a Windows PC, you need:

* a mobile phone that can be connected to your PC (some mobile phones do not have an interface for connecting to a PC)
* a Windows program that can control the mobile phone to send and receive SMS messages

Today, most mobile phones support at least one of the following options to connect to a PC:

* Via infrared (IrDA)
* Via Bluetooth
* Via a USB cable
* Via a serial cable

The infrared and Bluetooth option should be very useful to many notebook computer users since nowadays many notebook computers have built-in infrared or Bluetooth support.

The Windows program for sending and receiving SMS messages is provided by some mobile phone manufacturers. For example, Nokia offers a software package called Nokia PC Suite to their mobile phone users. It can be downloaded free of charge from Nokia's web site. Microsoft has also released a free program called SMS Sender that enables Windows users to send SMS messages via a GSM mobile phone from a PC.
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