I signed in a membership for a certin basketball website.
thanks to that membership i was able to get to posts there that has videos on a vimeo.com server.
so, in order to download them i use savevideo.me (after doing "inspect element" on a page with a video i find the vimeo link)
however, i wanted to know if theres a way to access their page on vimeo and see all the videos ? instead of browsing through posts that has videos and copy everylink time after time.
if any1 gets me, please PM and i can give him the details so he can try get me to the vimeo page of that website so i can b exposed to all vids.
p.s: when i use the link BEFORE copy it to savevideo.me, i get a msg from vimeo that: the creator of this video has not given u premission toembed it on this domain.this is a vimeo plus feature.
so i though if savevideo.me can download me a video, maybe theres some tool that can help me bypass this kind of msg like above.
example for a link that i can download the vid:
but again, cant access the page on vimeo to see ALL videoS