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Old 01-05-2011, 08:30 AM
pvraag pvraag is offline
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Q's about Recording PC Gameplay for Streaming (2 computers)

Purpose: Stream my PC Gaming to a streaming service like JTV

I've usually done this with screen capture software (VHScreencap) and encoder (Flash Media Encoder), which works to some extent but comes with several problems.
A) Not every game allows full screen capture for whatever reason so I'm forced to play windowed which is not nice.
B) Performance. FME is quite the resource hog and even on my multicores simply makes it a constant juggling act that makes playing some of the newest games not worth it.

So I've been trying to think of other solutions for this.
First, available Hardware:

PC1: AMD Phenom II X6 1055T with HD5870, Asrock 870 Extreme3
PC2: AMD Phenom II X3 720 Black with HD4870, Asus M4A78 PRO

Dazzle DVC 107 video recorder
Black Magic Intensity Pro (BMI Pro)

1) I have tried using the Blackmagic, using an HDMI cable from my main computer to the BMI in the second computer, clone the monitor. This *may* work, but I have yet to find a configuration that allows my BMI to capture the screen so I've had no luck so far.
2) I think I read about someone using the Dazzle as a capturing device for TF2 at one point but he happened to have a Video card with an S-video out, which my cards sadly don't have any more.
I was thinking maybe a cheaper second video card in my main computer might be an option but I don't know if that could work. It would have to allow my main graphics card to do the work, and allow my secondary graphics card to simply clone the screen.Q: Is that even possible or does it need to be an equally strong graphics card?
3) For Audio I was planning to use a simple cable to go from my audio out on one computer to the audio in on the other (Synch problem?). Not sure if that works well. If anyone can think of a method to introduce or reduce any form of delay in audio, either hardware or software that would be nice.

Any and all suggestions appreciated since I would really like to get this to work.

Ideal Solution: Play my games on one computer, Record and Stream them on the other.
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Old 01-05-2011, 09:10 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Q's about Recording PC Gameplay for Streaming (2 computers)

Originally Posted by pvraag View Post
Black Magic Intensity Pro

1) I have tried using the Blackmagic, using an HDMI cable from my main computer to the BMI in the second computer, clone the monitor. This *may* work, but I have yet to find a configuration that allows my BMI to capture the screen so I've had no luck so far.
What kind of problem exactly did you have with Black Magic Intensity Pro? What video resolution were you using? Have you tried 720p?

Originally Posted by pvraag View Post
2) I think I read about someone using the Dazzle as a capturing device for TF2 at one point but he happened to have a Video card with an S-video out, which my cards sadly don't have any more.
I was thinking maybe a cheaper second video card in my main computer might be an option but I don't know if that could work. It would have to allow my main graphics card to do the work, and allow my secondary graphics card to simply clone the screen.Q: Is that even possible or does it need to be an equally strong graphics card?
Can't tell you for sure... You will need a smaller video resolution for Dazzle DVC 107, so may be it will work. But it seems to be better to get a VGA to S-Video converter like Lake PC to TV Converter Box compatible with Windows and Mac (VGA To RCA / VGA To S-Video)

If you have BMI already, try to make it work first.
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Old 01-05-2011, 09:24 AM
pvraag pvraag is offline
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Re: Q's about Recording PC Gameplay for Streaming (2 computers)

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
What kind of problem exactly did you have with Black Magic Intensity Pro? What video resolution were you using? Have you tried 720p?
My biggest problem is that I have no clue what to set it to, either in my HD5870 or my BM. Sadly BM chose to not have a support 'forum' so all you can do is leave a question at support and they seem pretty clueless when it comes to advanced questions like this.

I've found an option in CCC that *seems* to imply I can force some kind of HD setting so I set that to one I know I could set the BM to. (1080P 24) (strangely I can't find the setting at all at the moment)

I still failed to find an image however.

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
If you have BMI already, try to make it work first.
I'll try and configure some more today, but if I manage it won't be because I know what I'm doing ^^
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Old 01-05-2011, 09:51 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Q's about Recording PC Gameplay for Streaming (2 computers)

Originally Posted by pvraag View Post
My biggest problem is that I have no clue what to set it to, either in my HD5870 or my BM. Sadly BM chose to not have a support 'forum' so all you can do is leave a question at support and they seem pretty clueless when it comes to advanced questions like this.
Although they don't offer a support forum, you can contact their support.

Originally Posted by pvraag View Post
I've found an option in CCC that *seems* to imply I can force some kind of HD setting so I set that to one I know I could set the BM to. (1080P 24) (strangely I can't find the setting at all at the moment)
Blackmagic Intensity Pro supports 1080i50, 1080i59.94, 720p50 and 720p59.94. Make sure you output video over HDMI using one of the supported resolutions.

Also in the Black Magic Control Panel change the setting for HDMI input.
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Old 01-08-2011, 07:08 PM
pvraag pvraag is offline
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Re: Q's about Recording PC Gameplay for Streaming (2 computers)

Ok, I've had absolutely no luck whatsoever with the Media Express that actually came with the BMI however after reading around a bit some people recommended using VirtualDUB and I've now succeeded in getting my 1920x1080 main PC's image onto the secondary PC in Virtual Dub (Setting HD1080i 60 - 8 bit 4:2:2 YUV in BMI).

Now I just need to wait till monday to get a cable to get sound from the main pc to the secondary and hope it synchs up decently while I stream it

Last edited by pvraag : 01-08-2011 at 07:39 PM.
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