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Old 02-13-2008, 12:35 PM
Stream Recorder
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Problems recording with Replay Media Catcher and their solutions

Problems with Replay Media Catcher (RMC):

Problem: RMC doesn't start recording because you started playing your stream before starting recording with RMC.

Read the user guide Just follow 4 simple steps:
  1. Start recording with RMC
  2. Then and only then open your web-browser and navigate to a web-page with an embedded flash player.
  3. Start playing your stream in the embedded flash player
  4. The recording will be done automatically

Problem: RMC finds stream URL, but doesn't start recording and shows 0%.
Try to pause or stop your stream in the embedded player.

Problem: Can't record HTTP .flv video stream with the "application/x-flash-video" content-type
A new content type called "application/x-flash-video" will be supported in the next version. To capture such streams with RMC version 2.10 add "application/x-flash-video" to the list of mime-types.
  1. Start RMC
  2. Click Tools -> Settings
  3. Select the "Capture HTTP Media Streams" plug-in (by clicking on it)
  4. Click the "Plug-in options" button.
  5. In the target mime-types frame:
    1. Select the "application" type.
    2. Enter or copy-paste "x-flash-video" (without quotes) into the subtype.
    3. Mark the "Use" checkbox.
    4. Click the "Update" button.
  6. Click the "Close Settings" button.
  7. Restart RMC

Problem: Can't record HTTP .flv video stream with the "text/html" content-type
Add the "text/html"mime-type to the list of allowed content-types like in the example above. BUT don't enable it forever since every web-page has the "text/html" mime-type so this will bog down RMC if left on all the time. The developer works on a better solution.

Problem: Can't record Flash RTMPT stream (RTMP over HTTP protocol using TCP sockets)
Not available yet. RTMPT streams will be supported in the next version.

Problem: Can't record HTTP .flv video stream with no content-type header.
Not available yet. FLV video streams with no content-type header will be supported in the next version.

There are only two RTMP flash stream recorders. Replay Media Catcher has some problems, but most of them can be easily solved.

I prefer Replay Media Catcher, but you can always compare it with FLV Recorder. Both are free try.
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Old 02-13-2008, 05:26 PM
katmando katmando is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 55
katmando is on a distinguished road

Re: Problems recording with Replay Media Catcher and their solutions

Thank you. Very helpful information.
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