it is my first post to this forum. My problem is:
There are some video files (.flv) on this webpage -
These files are streamming by rtmp protocole.
- First, I tried to download a video file "Two Pillars" (first movie) with
Orbit Downloader version 2.7.6 and with Grab++.
Grab++ has found a link to the film:
I've pasted the link into Orbit and pushed Start button. I got an information on the screen:
2008-10-01 13:15:27 Connecting 5
2008-10-01 13:15:27 Connected
2008-10-01 13:15:29 Wait for retry(5S)
and it's over and over again (connecting, connected, and wait for retry).
- So, secondly, I tried download the movie with Replay Media Catcher but without result. ReplayMediaCatcher has found a stream but could download only a small file with 20kB and stopped.
- Thirdly, I tried download it with WM Recorder (version 12) but it doesn't succeed.
Could you help me with downloading these movies?