FIRSTABLE, I just want to say that the person who will successfuly solve this problem will get pay, I promise. Just a little motivator to help
I have some m3u8 paths I take from some source I have and for months I could reastream them without any problem, it's had a timestamp but a least it hold 7-8 hours every time before I need to take another new path. Recently, probably because he put more defence inside it, when I load the Media Source it's playing the path for a a few seconds (sometimes 1-2 minutes at most), and then it's stops playing it.
I guess he put time stamp on it, or something that only when you load the stream through his private player it's working straight ahead.
Is there any way to overcome it?
Example for url path:
I don't think you can watch it, it's only playing for the computer that connected to the original player and took the path from it...
The source code of the channel page and original player attached as a zip file to the topic (contain .txt file with all the code).
Please help me, thank you very very much!