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Old 11-30-2010, 12:25 AM
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Problem converting recorded FLV file

Hey there! I wanted to ask some help from you. I visited almost all threads in this site, tried most of the softwares that are posted, but nothing has worked for me.

I have a site that sells flash streams, some details about the stream:

Bit Rate: 950Kbps
Codec: H.264/HD
Framerate: 30 fps

The problem for me is, almost all softwares catch this stream, and record it. Softwares like, Replay Media Catcher, they record the stream and give it in FLV format. From here, the problem is the FLV file is corrupted:

if you see the time line, the actual video length is 3minutes but its showing as two hours. I tried one of the softwares you posted to fix/repair FLV files, it didnt work either. I want to convert this file into .avi or .wmv or .mp4

Is there a way to do it? Please let me know. Thank you very much.
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Old 12-01-2010, 10:27 AM
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Re: Problem converting recorded FLV file

Originally Posted by jamesf786
Its a VIP paid site. Here you go for the login:

Please let me know a possible way to record. Thank you very much.
The biggest problem is that my connection is not fast enough to record 600+ kbps live RTMP streams. If you can upload a small video (~10 minutes) to a file sharing web-site, I can try to fix the FLV file.

Also I have send your request to the developer of Replay Media Catcher, so hopefully he will be able to help.

VLC player has many problems playing FLV files. Do you have the same problem in Applian FLV Player, Media Player Classic with K-Lite Codec Pack and/or KMPlayer?

Also how exactly did you try to fix your recordings with RMC? Have you tried to fix duration only or have you tried to fix time as well?

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Old 12-03-2010, 05:56 AM
jamesf786 jamesf786 is offline
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Re: Problem converting recorded FLV file

Hi, I have uploaded that file here:

With RMC, it took ages to convert, so it didnt really convert to the format that i wanted, and thats avi. So i tried a couple of different softwares, the video converted but the length showed as 2hrs and some minutes... and then i realized that the lenght of the FLV file itself shows 2hour and some minutes, so the problem was when recording the file. No, i havent tried playing the FLV file using any other software.
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Old 12-03-2010, 08:49 AM
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Re: Problem converting recorded FLV file

Have you remembered the framerate that was used for this stream?
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Old 12-03-2010, 09:42 AM
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Re: Problem converting recorded FLV file

In Replay Media Catcher go to "Fix FLV", Expand the "File contents". Use the framerate shown on the web-site. Hit the "Fix Time" button.

After this fix, the segment plays fine for me in Applian FLV Player and KMPlayer. But I have problems playing with VLC player and Media Player Classic with K-Lite Mega Codec Pack; may be I just used wrong framerate value.

Also please note there could be lots of problems downloading/capturing RTMP streams. And since you plan to convert your recordings anyway, it can be much better to record from screen instead of downloading/capturing.
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Old 12-03-2010, 12:27 PM
jamesf786 jamesf786 is offline
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Re: Problem converting recorded FLV file

ok thank you. I will give that a try in the weekend. I always had a problem with those screen capture softwares because when you put something to record, you cant listen to any music or do anything else while the recording is going on and thats the reasong why I tried searching for softwares that helped me do both at the same time.

Is there any screen capture software where you can set the recording frame of a paticular window of firefox, and then you can minimize the firefox window and continue with any other work?

Thanks a lot for the help!
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Old 12-03-2010, 03:53 PM
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Re: Problem converting recorded FLV file

Originally Posted by jamesf786 View Post
ok thank you. I will give that a try in the weekend. I always had a problem with those screen capture softwares because when you put something to record, you cant listen to any music or do anything else while the recording is going on and thats the reasong why I tried searching for softwares that helped me do both at the same time.
Replay Video Capture allows make a window to stay always on top and record from it. There should be programs that allow to record from a secondary monitor as well. This doesn't seem to solve the problem with sounds, unless you use another sound card (I just use a USB headset MS LifeChat instead).

And if your computer is powerful enough, you can try to use a virtual machine and record video with sound on it.

Originally Posted by jamesf786 View Post
Is there any screen capture software where you can set the recording frame of a paticular window of firefox, and then you can minimize the firefox window and continue with any other work?
Haven't seen anything like that, although I know a smart developer who tried to create a program like that.
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