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Old 11-05-2009, 09:48 AM
hrundi hrundi is offline
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problem capturing asf through mms

I got this mms link and the only thing that will play it is Real Player. However, it only uses half of the available bandwith - don't know why, so it constantly stops to buffer. Basically, the program can't be watched.

So I needed a software to capture it, cause I remembered that's what I used to do when I was on dial-up and I wanted to watch a video. I tried 5-6 different programs, half of them worked - the quality was perfect - but EVERY ONE OF THEM had the same problem. They stopped recording the stream arbitrarily, sometimes after 2-3 minutes, sometimes after more than 30. I checked if there are any limitations ticked, such as time or size, and everything was ok. I tried HiNetrecorder, AsfRecorder, StreamDown and some other programs. I got the best results from Replay AV, cause it produced searchable asf files with a working index. I couldn't get WM Recorder to work at all.

The mss in question is for a live tv stream.

Can anyone help?
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Old 11-05-2009, 10:30 AM
noob2001204 noob2001204 is offline
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Re: problem capturing asf through mms

can you post the url so that i can try?

and have you tried GetASFStream?
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Old 11-05-2009, 10:57 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: problem capturing asf through mms

From freeware programs I suggest you to try GetASFStream and SDPReceiver, from shareware programs - WM Recorder and NetTransport.

Use WM Recorder in the ADA mode. Start recording with it before launching the program you would like to record from. Hit the Refresh button of your browser if you have problems downloading from it.

What kind of problem exactly did you have with WM Recorder?
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Old 11-05-2009, 12:00 PM
hrundi hrundi is offline
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Re: problem capturing asf through mms

hanks for replying guys

1) no but I can pm it to you
2) I cant get a working link for that one - they all seem to be dead

@Stream Recorder
this is what happens when I try to switch to ADA mode, the ok button is grayed out and then this pops out, whether I select "internet connection test" or not

I don't get what you mean by "Start recording with it before launching the program you would like to record from."

I only have this mms url, and I paste that into whatever I use for capturing, in this case it's WM Recorder. Then I press record and nothing happens... it hangs on "connecting"

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Old 11-05-2009, 01:27 PM
hrundi hrundi is offline
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Re: problem capturing asf through mms

I pm-ed the link to both of you guys, the program starts at 7pm GMT and its broadcasted till 3-4 am in the morning, maybe you can tell me if it's doable or not. I figured since this particular link wont get me more than say 30kbps, and I need over 100 to watch it, I could just try to capture it, let it record bit by bit and watch it later without interruption.

But it only records 20 seconds of video in 3-4 minutes and then stops. If I could only get the software to keep recording it, but maybe that's not how it works.

Meanwhile, I found a working link for GetASFStream - same thing, only this time it stops, saves the file then starts recording another, but you only get the 10-20 seconds long bits, and all the stuff in between is lost.
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Old 11-06-2009, 12:12 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: problem capturing asf through mms

Originally Posted by hrundi View Post
this is what happens when I try to switch to ADA mode, the ok button is grayed out and then this pops out, whether I select "internet connection test" or not

May be your adapter is not supported. And may be it is blocked by your firewall or some other software.

Originally Posted by hrundi View Post
I don't get what you mean by "Start recording with it before launching the program you would like to record from."
If you want WM Recorder to find the URL for you, you need to launch it, start recording with it (unless it is in the Auto recording mode) and then open your web-browser or media player and start playing a stream.

Originally Posted by hrundi View Post
I only have this mms url, and I paste that into whatever I use for capturing, in this case it's WM Recorder. Then I press record and nothing happens... it hangs on "connecting"

You have the URL so you should use WMR in the URL mode (unless you want to record and watch at the same time). Just paste the URL, enter the filename and hit the record button. Make sure your firewall is not blocking WM Recorder.

I just tried the WMR with the URL and it records fine the video called "No service"
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Old 11-06-2009, 03:16 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: problem capturing asf through mms

Originally Posted by hrundi View Post
Meanwhile, I found a working link for GetASFStream - same thing, only this time it stops, saves the file then starts recording another, but you only get the 10-20 seconds long bits, and all the stuff in between is lost.
You need a better Internet connection to record live streams...

You can also try to use online stream rippers like rizzle
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