Hi guys new to the forums with probably a nooby question.
Ive got some mp4 files that are of sporting events, I want to burn these to DVD so a friend can watch on his DVD player.
I used to use
Nero 7 in the past but i seem to be having trouble with it at the moment, Dosent matter what i do i cant get it to recognize the files, Im not sure if this is a Nero problem or a win7 problem as Ive heard nero7 has troubles with win7.
A friend gave me shampoo 10 burning studio, I managed to burn the files to DVD but when i watched the DVDs they were really zoomed in and being football games are unwatchable when you cant see the hole screen. I couldn't seem to find any options to change the aspect ratio or settings that would make it fit properly.
I just tried to use
DVDFlick and that didn't recognize the files either.
I don't know what im doing wrong it never used to be this difficult
Thanks for any help in advance