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Old 12-01-2008, 11:29 PM
covennannt covennannt is offline
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Is it possible to convert .flv from Replay Media Catcher (Split large YouTube files)?

I use my Replay Media Catcher to record RTMP Flash stream from blogtv. I want to put these files I capture on youtube, but I tend to lose track and end up having large files. As you know, youtube doesn't allow you to upload files that big (they have that 10 minute cut off) so I need something to cut my flv files down to size. I don't think there's an flv splitter around (or maybe I just can't find one) so I have tried LOTs of different softwares to try and convert flv to a different format. (and then cut the format from there into 10 minute clips). However, I cannot seem to find anything that can convert the flv splitter. I tried using Replay Media's Converter, but that failed miserably. I have also tried my back up, Super C, and that didn't work either.

Any suggestions?
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Old 12-01-2008, 11:54 PM
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Re: Is it possible to convert .flv from Replay Media Catcher (Split large YouTube fil

Splitting FLV files
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Old 12-02-2008, 12:21 AM
covennannt covennannt is offline
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Re: Is it possible to convert .flv from Replay Media Catcher (Split large YouTube fil

I followed all of the instructions for the FLV input plugin, which is what it recommended I should do if I wanted to make it into an avi format.

But, when it got to this part...

"To convert FLV to AVI without any editing or filtering, load a FLV in VirtualDub, make sure "Direct Stream Copy" is selected in both the Video and Audio menus, and choose "Save as AVI" from the File menu."

I tried to load my file and it said "the File "C:\...blahblahblah.flv" is of unknown or unsupported file type. This is a flv file that I captured from streaming live off of blogtv using Media Replay Catcher. The file can play on a normal flv player, so I don't know why it's not registering. Help?
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Old 12-02-2008, 12:55 AM
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Re: Is it possible to convert .flv from Replay Media Catcher (Split large YouTube fil

You shouldn't convert FLV to AVI. YouTube will convert AVI to FLV again, so why do you need any additional quality loss???

Just try to split the recorded FLV file.
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Old 12-02-2008, 04:17 AM
noob2001204 noob2001204 is offline
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Re: Is it possible to convert .flv from Replay Media Catcher (Split large YouTube fil

for splitting flv,i use flvtool2
its easy to use
if you had any problems,ask here
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Old 12-02-2008, 12:13 PM
covennannt covennannt is offline
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Re: Is it possible to convert .flv from Replay Media Catcher (Split large YouTube fil

So, I tried using all three of those softwares. Apparently, flvtool2 is only for Macs (at least the help guide is) so I cannot use that. (I'm on Windows.)

I tried using the FLV extract, but I cannot seem to be figure out to get the split function thing working.

So, I tried using the avidemux tool. This one is working pretty well, except the only problem I'm having now is the audio doesn't match the video. The audio is going too fast in comparison to the video.

This is the information I got from using MediaInfo:
File size : 80.7 MiB

Format : H.263
Width : 320 pixels
Height : 240 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 4/3
Frame rate mode : Variable

Format : Nellymoser
Channel(s) : 1 channel
Sampling rate : 22.05 KHz
Resolution : 16 bits

As you can see, the frame rate is "variable" because I captured it on blogtv and on blogtv things tend to speed up or slow down depending on if there's lagging going on in the channel. So, I'm having problems changing this into any other format or splitting the file into multiple flv files because the audio/video do not end up matching. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this?

Last edited by covennannt : 12-02-2008 at 12:53 PM.
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Old 12-02-2008, 05:28 PM
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Re: Is it possible to convert .flv from Replay Media Catcher (Split large YouTube fil

flvtool2 (Windows, Linux, Mac OS)

And what kind of problem exactly did you have with Replay Converter?
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Old 12-02-2008, 11:08 PM
covennannt covennannt is offline
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Re: Is it possible to convert .flv from Replay Media Catcher (Split large YouTube fil

I downloaded the .zip version of the flvtool2. After I unzipped it, Either I'm not using flvtool2 correctly, but every time I open its .exe file, it opens for 2 seconds and then disappears. The readme files and doesn't even work on my computer (it's in some weird format my computer doesn't recognize.).

Replay Media Catcher doesn't encode it properly. When I did that troubleshoot thing it just froze. I was using the trial version of it though, does that affect anything?
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Old 12-03-2008, 07:35 AM
noob2001204 noob2001204 is offline
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Re: Is it possible to convert .flv from Replay Media Catcher (Split large YouTube fil

its because you just click to open it directly

to use it correctly

1. open cmd,click start -> run -> type cmd and enter
2. copy the path of the flvtool2 folder
3. type cd "path you copied",to paste it on the cmd,right click to paste
for example:
cd C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\flvtool2
then press enter
4. now type the command
flvtool2 -C -i [start time in milliseconds] -o [end time in milliseconds] [input file name] [output file name]

for example:

flvtool2 -C -i 90000 -o 120000 Youtube.flv Splitted.flv
the command does split the flv starts from 01:30 to 2:00

1 second = 1000

Try it yourself
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Old 12-03-2008, 02:42 PM
covennannt covennannt is offline
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Re: Is it possible to convert .flv from Replay Media Catcher (Split large YouTube fil

Oh WOW! I got it to finally work! Thanks so much!!
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