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Old 01-26-2010, 12:27 AM
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Playing videos on Sony PSP: M4V*.MP4 and M4V*.THM files

PSP is the abbreviated version of PlayStation Portable, which is a handheld game console manufactured and marketed by Sony Computer Entertainment.

Game fans regard it as their best companies. Sony PSP make users' spare time amused. PSP users all know that their player provide they a chance to enjoy videos on it. Some people know how to put videos on it, some not. Below I will share my experience about PSP video formats (MPEG-4 .MP4 and MPEG-4 AVC .MP4).

Sony PSP video parameters
Sony PSP can't play MPEG-4 video encoded with bit rate higher than 768kbps that is why high quality MPEG-4 files need to be converted to a lower bit rate. The PSP will not recognize MPEG-4 video file unless it has a name in the format of M4V10001.MP4. The file needs to start with M4V followed by five numbers, and then it must end in .MP4.

For an MPEG-4 file that have been specially formatted for the Sony PSP, there will usually be the .THM file alongside it. If your movie file has a name of M4V10001.MP4, then there should be the file with the name M4V10001.THM alongside it. The THM file is a simple 160x120 thumbnail saved in JPEG format at 72dpi that is associated with the video file. As long as the name of the THM file is the same as the MP4 file, this picture will be displayed alongside the video file in the Video interface of your Sony PSP .

Version 2.0 of the Sony PSP firmware added support for another video file format: MPEG-4 AVC. These files follow a similar naming convention to the regular .MP4 files, as they are named MAQxxxxx.MP4, where xxxxx is five numbers. AVC video files offer better video quality then regular MPEG-4 files using the same bitrate.
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