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Old 11-09-2008, 08:43 PM
Posts: n/a

Play Windows Media radio station from South America on HTC Windows Mobile smartphone

Hi I'm reading on internet for weeks trying to found a solution to be able to play a radio station from south america on my mobile device but it has been impossible

I really appreciate if anybody can help me please to found the solution to this problem

The address That I need to play on my mobile device is MMS:// or RTSP:// it plays perfect on my desktop computer but is not possible to play it on my HTC Touch (Sprint) I can play another radio stations without any problem but not this one

Thank you very much
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Old 11-09-2008, 10:27 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Play Windows Media radio station from South America on HTC Windows Mobile smartph

You've got HTC Touch, not Touch Cruise or Touch 3G, right? It doesn't really matter.

What software do you use when trying to play MMS and RTSP streams? HTC Streaming media, Windows Media Player, CorePlayer, TCPMP, RealOne Player, PocketTV, VLC player PocketPC edition (discontinued project), mPlayer PocketPC release?

What kind of error do you get while trying to listen to the stream? What kind of Internet connection do you use on your HTC Touch?

Great forum related to HTC smartphones
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Old 11-10-2008, 07:58 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: Play Windows Media radio station from South America on HTC Windows Mobile smartph

I use all those players already and I can play another radio stations like this MMS:// without any problem but the problem is with this radio station I think is the codec or something like that the radio stations that I'm trying to play is MMS:// if you try to play it on your desktop both radios stations will works perfect but when I try to play it on my HTC Touch the first one plays normally but I can't play the second one

Thank you Very much for your time
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Old 11-10-2008, 09:54 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Play Windows Media radio station from South America on HTC Windows Mobile smartph

I don't really know how to solve this. Most probably all these media players don't support such Windows Media playlists.

You can ask about it at xda-developers. Or you can contact the developers of your favorite players so that they can add support of such streams.

You can also try to re-broadcast this mms stream with VLC player from your PC or Mac.

And you can record this radio and then either upload them to your mobile phone or stream to it.
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