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Old 05-18-2011, 07:14 AM
Posts: n/a

Package/parcel/freight forwarding from a No sales tax location

I've been suggested by many users to join Shipito and use their package/parcel/freight forwarding service. The only reason I hesitate is because their main warehouses locations are in Torrance, CA, which means I have to pay the sales tax (which is 9.5% in California). It makes no sense to pay such a high sales tax.

I know that Shipito has a warehouse in Oregon as well, but I can't use it from Russia, because
- they can send packages from there using FedEx only,
- they don't offer package consolidation in Oregon.
Of course I can send my packages from the Oregon warehouse to Torrance, but it will take additional time. And it seems to make sense for items which are not cheap.

Do you know whether any leading freight forwarders using USPS, having package consolidation, which allows not to pay any sales tax at all?
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Old 05-21-2011, 12:09 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Package/parcel/freight forwarding from a No sales tax location

In October 2011 Shipito has opened a fully functional warehouse in Oregon. So you can use the new Oregon address for making purchases without paying the sales tax (since there is no sales tax in Oregon). The Oregon warehouse allows to consolidate packages, send them via USPS Priority Mail, USPS Express Mail, so should work fine for you in Russia.

Note that Shipito services are 10% higher in Oregon. If most of your purchases are made from online stores where you pay no sales tax, it may be cheaper sense to use the Torrance warehouse.

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 10-21-2011 at 10:55 PM. Reason: Shipito opened a fully functional warehouse in Oregon
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