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Old 02-02-2010, 12:24 AM
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Online movie clubs - Watch movies online

There are an increasing number of online movie clubs cropping up on the internet, taking advantage of increased broadband usage and fast download speeds to offer high quality streaming movies. Some of these clubs offer a selection of recent movies from a number of different genres for a monthly subscription; others offer a more limited selection free of charge. Whatever your choice of movie, they can either be downloaded onto your computer to watch at a time of your choice, or streamed on to your computer to watch there and then.

Downloading movies online is a very effective way of home movie viewing. Gone is the need to buy or rent the latest DVD from the shop, or order it online from retailers or rental websites. If you are prepared to wait, then these films will become available online, some for FREE, others for a monthly fee and a requirement to join the club.

One requirement to watching streaming movies is that your home computer has to be powerful enough however to cope with downloading and streaming movies from these sites. Also, there can be problems with the technology and the links don't always work on some movie websites, so finding the movie of your choice for FREE or at the price you want to pay can take time.

Many of these sites charge some form of subscription fee, where you will be offered a selections of movies from a number of different genres.

Are there any legal movie clubs with no subscription fee, which allow you to watch legal movies (not low quality illegal video streams). I need a large selection of featured movies to watch online, of different genres such as comedy, sci-fi, thriller, action, drama, horror, family and foreign?
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