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Old 08-28-2014, 01:42 PM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 433
troller12 is on a distinguished road

Re: New Tocken Required

Normaly you can find the token in the swf file directly if you decompile it but not in this case (some dynamic) so there are some missing action script parts.

If you want to check the memory then start Winhex tool and choose tools/OpenRam and now you get a list with all running processes and now choose the Plugin-Container process which is used by the stream you are running in your browser.Choose Entire Memory and now check it.If you search for securetoken string (ASCII) then you find it already with the first hit.
Offset      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7   8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F

06454AC0                                     73 65 63 75 72              secur
06454AD0   65 54 6F 6B 65 6E 09 75  6E 64 65 66 69 6E 65 64   eToken.undefined
06454AE0   10 72 6F 67 65 72 53 65  63 75 72 65 54 6F 6B 65   .rogerSecureToke
06454AF0   6E 04 68 61 73 68 0C 23  79 77 25 74 74 23 77 40   n.hash.#yw%tt#w@
06454B00   6B 6B 75 03 54 45 41 17  63 6F 6D 2E 77 6F 77 7A
06454B10   61 2E 65 6E 63 72 79 70  74 69 6F 6E 41 53 33 07   a.encryptionAS3.
06454B20   64 65 63 72 79 70 74 13  73 65 63 75 72 65 54 6F   decrypt.secureTo
06454B30   6B 65 6E 52 65 73 70 6F  6E 73 65                  kenResponse
So the token stuff is a interesting theme but also I don't know how to find them always or how to deobfuscate tokens etc.The main problem is that the guys on this forum don't wanna explain it (no idea why they make a big secret about it) or create some video tutorials.Normaly I come from the RCE scene and wrote many tutorials & Olly-scripts for years for the people and all are happy and thats the different to this forum for exsample.So I have seen already many posts by people who are looking for explanations about how to find the token (if token is not directly to find in swf file) in this or that case but the only answer they get it just a postet token xy without any solution about the way or they get no answer and this is really bad and I don't support such behavior.

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