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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Removing copy-protection (like DRM, AACS)
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Old 01-26-2014, 09:15 PM
drbmn drbmn is offline
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New Overdrive DRM need help.

Hello all,
I have been fighting with the new Overdrive DRM for the last three days. Every time I have had to convert an audio file I have not had this much trouble. bla bla bla... I have tried many methods, my most successful program Aimersoft DRM removal, and re-recording methods have failed.

The Overdrive forces the files to be played with the Overdrive player ONLY! No matter the combination of virtual drivers, use of wmp 9-11 DRM files, extracted security codes or many different programs have been able to dent this DRM.

Boy oh boy. Anyone have any suggestions?

The DRM allows transfer to ipod and that is it. And you have to use the Overdrive program to get it to play. File type WMA.

If you would like to take a swing at it I assume it would be any of the NEW audio books. The one specifically is the book "The Power Of Habit" from Overdrive threw my local library.

Thank you for anyone willing to take a crack at it.
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Old 06-22-2014, 08:26 AM
Matt Black Matt Black is offline
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Re: New Overdrive DRM need help.

Hi mate,

I recently signed up for Overdrive, for ebooks, then tried audio. I haven't downloaded WMA files, only MP3's, and there's no apparent DRM on the MP3's.

Windows Media Player 11 "Library view" lists the MP3's - after enabling the "Protected" column - as not protected. I've played them in VLC and WMP no problem. And just now I tested an original Overdrive MP3 download file by a Copy and Paste directly from Explorer to a new Sony MP3 player, and it plays ok on the Sony, no problem.

I would have downloaded The Power of Habit as an MP3 to try it and report back but I'm short on available loans. I'd suggest the easy answer is get MP3's and convert them to WMA if that's what you need/want?

However, you may have sorted this out by now, my reply being 5 months after the fact.

Hope that helps.
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