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Old 05-10-2009, 05:37 PM
Posts: n/a

need server software to broadcast multiple IP Cameras

We currently have a JVC GY-300U with a KA-DV300 for live streaming. We run this through a Linksys router to a Windows 2000 Advanced Server with media services turned on. it works, but sometimes during the service the video stops, but the audio continues. Eventually the video catches up, but we want to upgrade our server. However, the current software, Stream Producer, only works on Windows 2000.

We are looking for a server software broadcast multiple IP Cameras. One that is not picky which IP Camera we have so I can use the current camera as well as others. We want the end user to see the broadcast, no matter what the OS or media player. We also do not care what OS is used as the server. I have looked into Darwin Server, but it only plays Quicktime.

I hope this is enough information. Thanks.
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Old 05-22-2009, 06:10 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: need server software to broadcast multiple IP Cameras

Hello , Windows 2000 is a bit old if you want good video quality.
As for the software take a look at UstreamTV, BlinkoTV or Mogulus.

Blinko (a solution from the company I work for) offers now HD live streaming.

IP cameras are good for broadcasting but if possible try a HD video camera. You will see the difference.

For multiple cameras you may need a video mixer or multiple computers.
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