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Old 05-06-2015, 07:39 AM
solaarz solaarz is offline
Valar Morghulis
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 2
solaarz is on a distinguished road

Need help with these kind of streams (app is variable) / ReaperRtmp ?

Hi everyone,

I can record the streams from this camsite using this command, but... :

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://***IP***:8080/streamer" -a "streamer?4.a1c6c5343222ee6b4c58fe67060b36bb" -W "***swfURL***" -p "***pageURL***" -y "***PLAYPATH***(is static)" -o "xxxx.flv"
...but as you can see the app is a variable, and when I close the stream the record stops.

I know there is a tool that can record these streams without even been a member of the site. ReaperRtmp , but it's probably a private tool (if someone know where i can get it, it would be awesome) ?

I guess I need to know how to generate this "app" ?

I didn't try Livestreamer nor Adownloader, but I doubt it would help me?

If you need more infos about the site or the software they use (also used by a more popular camsite, which need to add -C O:1 -C NS:member_pass:***PASS*** -C NS:member_user:***USER*** -C O:0 ) you can PM me.

Thank you!
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Old 05-07-2015, 08:46 AM
solaarz solaarz is offline
Valar Morghulis
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 2
solaarz is on a distinguished road

Re: Need help with these kind of streams (app is variable) / ReaperRtmp ?

I've searched in the cookies and found an interesting one named "ci_session". Decoded it is:

a:5:{s:10:"session_id";s:32:"3eb1745a59a50346042f89ddd5f7c02a";s:10:"ip_address";s:12:"***IP***";s:10:"user_agent";s:72:"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0";s:13:"last_activity";i:1431003489;s:9:"user_data";s:0:"";}926868732d94aee5fc5369f94f01eab3
I tried to replace the "app" with the md5-looking strings and the number after "a:" , like "5.3eb1745a59a50346042f89ddd5f7c02a" or "5.926868732d94aee5fc5369f94f01eab3" , but it didn't work.

So maybe this cookie has nothing to do with the "app" I'm looking for.
Or I miss something... like a securetoken or something else.

You can find the decoded .swf here:
HTML Code:
Anyone can tell me if there is a securetoken or any key I need to record the stream? I'm not good enough to find out myself.

I've also searched in the different Source Pages but didn't find anything.

I've tried to find something with Wireshark but I don't know where and what to search...

If it can help, here are some .js :
- camlist.js:
HTML Code:
- videochat.js:
HTML Code:
- configuration.js:
HTML Code:
If you need something else, just ask me, I don't really know what is useful.

Please need some help!
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