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Old 06-06-2015, 08:49 PM
yugioh626 yugioh626 is offline
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Need help doing a batch "FLV FIX" for Replay Media Catcher files.

My history with recording streaming vids: Hello everyone. I have been using the information on this site and others since 2013. With that help, I have a semi-reliable system for capturing video streams using replay media catcher 4 and 5. For Speex audio files I found a .bat script to batch convert the files from FLV. to MP4. with the sound intact. For nellymoser and others I just use Handbrake and batch convert those. I edit in avidemux and for the most part, the system works.

My problem: The slowest link in the chain is using RMC to "fix flv" of the files one file at a time. As you already know, MFC and those sites add useless information to ruin the timestamp making vids pause and freeze during playback. I see on the forum yaflvfix recommended (for RTMP), but that leaves the files numbers unchanged.This Thread (last page,last post) says that a trio of programs works together to correct the problem, but I do not know how to get the flvfixer.php to run in a folder or together with those other files. I actually don't understand how to get a php script to work at all (youtube vids were not helpful). I can follow step by step instructions to turn a text file into a .bat or something similar, but my experience with cmd line has always been a failure.

A posible solution I found, but dont fully understand:I did some research on PHP, but a post on here (direct link to last post) makes it seem like I can put multiple elements in one folder and batch fix flv files, similar to my batch converter for Speex audio flv.

1)Can anyone point me in the right direction of using PHP in this manner. 2)Is this method recommended, now outdated?

I have over 100 GB of files to edit ( multiple streams and streams while at work or asleep over a longer period of time) one at a time.
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Old 06-08-2015, 10:12 AM
compn compn is offline
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Re: Need help doing a batch "FLV FIX" for Replay Media Catcher files.

can you just run ffmpeg over the flv file ?
ffmpeg -i input.flv -c:copy fixed.flv

then you can batch that up easily if that works to fix the timestamps.
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Old 06-08-2015, 01:05 PM
slim10 slim10 is offline
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Re: Need help doing a batch "FLV FIX" for Replay Media Catcher files.

Originally Posted by yugioh626 View Post
My history with recording streaming vids: Hello everyone. I have been using the information on this site and others since 2013. With that help, I have a semi-reliable system for capturing video streams using replay media catcher 4 and 5. For Speex audio files I found a .bat script to batch convert the files from FLV. to MP4. with the sound intact. For nellymoser and others I just use Handbrake and batch convert those. I edit in avidemux and for the most part, the system works.

My problem: The slowest link in the chain is using RMC to "fix flv" of the files one file at a time. As you already know, MFC and those sites add useless information to ruin the timestamp making vids pause and freeze during playback. I see on the forum yaflvfix recommended (for RTMP), but that leaves the files numbers unchanged.This Thread (last page,last post) says that a trio of programs works together to correct the problem, but I do not know how to get the flvfixer.php to run in a folder or together with those other files. I actually don't understand how to get a php script to work at all (youtube vids were not helpful). I can follow step by step instructions to turn a text file into a .bat or something similar, but my experience with cmd line has always been a failure.

A posible solution I found, but dont fully understand:I did some research on PHP, but a post on here (direct link to last post) makes it seem like I can put multiple elements in one folder and batch fix flv files, similar to my batch converter for Speex audio flv.

1)Can anyone point me in the right direction of using PHP in this manner. 2)Is this method recommended, now outdated?

I have over 100 GB of files to edit ( multiple streams and streams while at work or asleep over a longer period of time) one at a time.
On the following page, scroll down to the section "Installing PHP for dummies (Windows only)" and follow the instructions to install PHP:

ZeChico's BAT file has an error on line 10. He added a space in "FLV fixer.php." You need to change that to "FlvFixer.php" without the space.



Copy the BAT file, FlvFixer.php and yamdi.exe into the same folder with all of the FLV files that you want to fix. In that folder, run the BAT file and it will fix and run yamdi on every FLV file in that folder.

This BAT file will delete all of the original FLV files in that folder. So you may want to keep a copy of the originals in another folder until you have checked the fixed files, to make sure they are satisfactory.
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Old 06-11-2015, 09:01 PM
yugioh626 yugioh626 is offline
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Re: Need help doing a batch "FLV FIX" for Replay Media Catcher files.

Originally Posted by slim10 View Post
On the following page, scroll down to the section "Installing PHP for dummies (Windows only)" and follow the instructions to install PHP:

ZeChico's BAT file has an error on line 10. He added a space in "FLV fixer.php." You need to change that to "FlvFixer.php" without the space.



Copy the BAT file, FlvFixer.php and yamdi.exe into the same folder with all of the FLV files that you want to fix. In that folder, run the BAT file and it will fix and run yamdi on every FLV file in that folder.

This BAT file will delete all of the original FLV files in that folder. So you may want to keep a copy of the originals in another folder until you have checked the fixed files, to make sure they are satisfactory.
Slim10 I followed all of the links and assembled all of the files. I also needed msv...dll and installed that as well. it seems to work pretty well. I did the edit that BAT by his instructions, so makes it deposit the new file in a folder called OK, so the original isnt deleted..

I test the files with VLC player, because when I check them with Pot player they are fine, but when I upload them, they are laggy as hell. If it plays fine in VLC it will usually play fine when uploaded to a video site.

Thank you for the assistance. I know not being able to do cmd, I could probably be a much more efficient editor, but this is fine for now. Thank you for all the help.
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Old 07-11-2015, 01:10 PM
yugioh626 yugioh626 is offline
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Re: Need help doing a batch "FLV FIX" for Replay Media Catcher files.

One thing I just noticed. This works for Speex Audio. If you bath flv flx files with Nellymoser, you will lose teh audio on them. MFC is switching over to speex, it seems, so this is not really an issue for new MFC recordings and cbate is all speex.
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