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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Streaming media recording forum > Audio stream recording > Problem recording from sound card: No Stereo Mix option
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Old 02-06-2010, 06:54 AM
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Missing Stereo Mix in Audacity on a Mac


I used to be a PC user, now i have turned to MAC. I used to use audacity. Now i downloaded audacity on my Mac and i am trying to record something using stereo mix. When I go to the thing at the top that says Default Input Source there is nothing under Microphone or Stereo mix...nothing just Default input Source.

There must be a way to get stereo mix on audacity. Can someone please help me?

Remember this is a mac
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Old 02-06-2010, 07:03 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Missing Stereo Mix in Audacity on a Mac

Soundflower is a MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications. Soundflower is easy to use, it simply presents itself as an audio device, allowing any audio application to send and receive audio with no other support needed.

How To Use Soundflower

Soundflower presents itself as one of two audio devices (2ch / 16ch). The 2-channel device is sufficient for most situations.

To send the output of one application to another, select Soundflower as the output device in the first application and Soundflower as the input device within the second application.

If an application does not allow you to specify audio devices, you can make Soundflower the default input or output device inside the Sound panel in the System Preferences, or with the Audio MIDI Setup utility application.

The 16-channel device is provided for more complex routing situations, and can be used with more than two applications simultaneously if the applications support audio routing to any channel, as Max/MSP does.

Note that Soundflower’s audio channels represent a global audio space. If more than one application is sending its output to the same channel, the audio will be mixed. If you want an application to send and receive audio through Soundflower, (for instance using Max/MSP to manipulate and return another application’s audio) you must send and receive the audio on different audio channels or a feedback loop will be created.

If you are hearing clicks or breakups, try increasing the buffer size of both applications (set within each application).


When using Soundflower to send audio to and from applications, you may find that you are not able to send audio through another device to monitor audio output. In such situations you can use Soundflowerbed, an application that resides in the Finder's Menubar allowing you to tap into Soundflower channels and route them to an audio device.
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Old 02-06-2010, 07:17 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Missing Stereo Mix in Audacity on a Mac

I need help with recording in audacity!!!
I'm trying to record something from another program using audacity, but when i hit record it doesn't record anything from my other program. How exactly do I get it record using Soundflower ? (downloaded it for my mac osx. )
How to use Soundflower to record with Audacity
  1. Download Soundflower and install it.
  2. You can find the Soundflowerbed application in the Apps folder. Launch it.

    If you want to launch it regularly, then go to your user account and set Soundflowerbed as a start up item. Restart your computer.
  3. Soundflowerbed will be shown in the Menu bar
  4. Launch Audio MIDI Setup from the Application/Utilities folder. Under the Audio Devices tab, set the default output to Soundflower (2ch).

    You can also set Soundflower to be both the default input and output. Then Soundflowerbed will let you monitor through the real speakers.
  5. Go up to the Soundflowerapp menu and check the "Built-in Audio" (or whatever you normally use) under the 2ch section.
    Toggle this between that and None, while any an application that makes sound (like a web-browser or streaming media player) is running, to verify that audio is being sent there.
  6. Launch Audacity and select "Preferences". Under the Audio I/O tab, set the playback device to built-in audio and the recording device to Soundflower (2ch).
  7. You're ready to record. Audacity will turn off Soundflower monitoring as soon as you hit the record button, and instead send its own monitoring out to the speakers (but since Soundflower is its input, it's all the same stream to your ears).
  8. After you're done recording, you can re-enable direct Soundflower monitoring again from its menu.
  9. When you're done capturing, you can put things back to normal back in Audio MIDI Setup.
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