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Old 08-01-2010, 10:04 PM
Posts: n/a

How I met your mother (DVD) - Season 5

Kids... I hope you brought your notebooks, because the story of how I met your mother is a lot longer than you might think...

You get the feeling with each passing season that Ted Mosby's "story" is not so much about how he met his wife, but a cleverly disguised series of lessons for his adolescent kids as they enter young adulthood. That's not to say his quest for "the one" is actually just a footnote in the story, though. Many of the things Ted learned along the way were directly connected to his search for the elusive Mrs. Mosby. It just so happens that after five seasons, information has leaked regarding the wife's identity, but we've still yet to "meet" her. I know CBS has a good thing going with this show, but I'm wondering how much longer the writers can stall this inevitable meeting without the story becoming completely absurd.

How I met your mother - Season 5 DVD
Old 08-18-2010, 09:58 PM
Posts: n/a

how i met your mother: Hilarious and a lot of fun!

How I Met Your Mother takes the audience on a bit of a backwards journey down memory lane. The premise has the narrator (Ted) telling his two children the story of how he met their mother. Along the way we meet Lilly and Marshall (known to each other by the sickeningly sweet nicknames Marshmellow and Lillypad) who are a funny, picture perfect cute couple (well...they are now, anyway,...

I think the casting in how I met your mother was outstanding. Neil Patrick Harris shines as Barney, and Alyson Hannigan puts forth a brilliant performance each episode as Lilly. The character of Ted is a good fit for Josh Radnor (who we have thus far only seen in small bit parts in various films. Jason Segal and Cobie Smulders round out the cast nicely as Marshall and Robin. (and if you think you might recognize the voice of the "older Ted Mosbey" during the narrating portion of the's probably because you do. The narrator is actually Bob Saget).

Bottom line, this is a great show. I'm going out on a limb here (a very high, terrifying limb) but I think this show has the potential to at least partially fill the shoes of shows like "Friends" and "Everybody Loves Raymond", as far as filling the half-hour comedy sitcom void is concerned. Give it a try, and I promise you won't be disappointed.

How I Met Your Mother (DVD) - Season 5
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